Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Help me with this poem's meaning.?

N the tavern of my heart

Many a one has sat before,

Drunk red wine and sung a stave,

And, departing, come no more.

When the night was cold without,

And the ravens croaked of storm,

They have sat them at my hearth,

Telling me my house was warm.

As the lute and cup went round,

They have rhymed me well in lay;--

When the hunt was on at morn,

Each, departing, went his way.

On the walls, in compliment,

Some would scrawl a verse or two,

Some have hung a willow branch,

Or a wreath of corn-flowers blue.

Ah! my friend, when thou dost go,

Leave no wreath of flowers for me;

Not pale daffodils nor rue,

Violets nor rosemary.

Spill the wine upon the lamps,

Tread the fire, and bar the door;

So despoil the wretched place,

None will come forevermore.

please help, honestly its really improtant...

Help me with this poem's meaning.?
I get the feeling that this is an old inn talking -- an analogy of what happened in the Inn, the love and romance, and then being left alone. This is both the house and a spinster, perhaps owner of the tavern.

It also appears to be an Old English poem with words like stave (stanza of poetry) and rue and dost; when she was romanced by lovers who stayed because she (the Inn) kept them warm.

The second stanza tells of more men, bards, poets, players, who have left their marks upon the Inn (the woman); loved and left. This is the middle of life -- the exciting part of joy and happiness.

Now the Inn is tired, it no longer is fresh and young, and it is ready to be shurt down. Much like an aged spinster in the final days of her own life. A bit bitter, slightly searching, but not succeeding in joy.
Reply:It's about a woman who has been hurt by everyone she's been with and wants the man that is with her now knowing he's going to leave to completely ruin her so that no one else will come and then leave her life hurting her that much more in the end. It talks of how her lovers have given her presents and left their memories for her and it just hurts her that much more that there are the memories because what she remembers tears her apart (metaphoically speaking). and she just wants to be a bitter old lonely woman that doesn't ever have to go through such an ordeal ever again.

very sad


What color table linens?

Bridesmaids will be wearing lt.blue dresses %26amp; carrying bright pink %26amp; orange flowers.

At the reception, the tables will be decorated w/a *ton* of pink, orange %26amp; yellow spring flowers (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, etc.) %26amp; small candles.

I would like the tables for the bridal party %26amp; buffet/bar to be ivory ~ to make them stand out. But really want lt. blue for the guests tables w/a slightly darker blue napkin.

Fiance says it will be too much color to have the spring boquets on the blue tables ~ but I think a whole room of ivory tablecloths always looks so plain %26amp; boring. (Sorry to everyone who likes that!)

What does everyone on YA! think? Would lt. blue tablecloths be too much?

What color table linens?
with those bright pretty flowers in that heavy dark wood room I would think the ivory or white might be too stark.. I would go with more of a parchment or khaki color for the tableclothes and white napkins.. i also agree that small simple white lights in the room would be fine.
Reply:Im doing my wedding baby blue table cloths to the floor and then sheer silver overlay.u could do that? i think the ivory thing is gross.
Reply:I don't think white or ivory table cloths will be too much at all. White with a blue napkin would be great. Blue table cloths and a different blue of napkins will be a bit much.
Reply:depends on your venue. if you have a "white and large" venue it could work.

however, if the venue is smaller and darker, then this could be overkill.

even if it's large and white, i would prefer ivory long tablecloths with a blue overlay.
Reply:Hi and congratulations!

Here is my opinion after seeing the room. With the dark ceilings...I think it would look so nice to have WHITE table linens for all the tables with the light blue napkins (if available) and all the pretty bright colored flowers. That will look very elegant.

If you want the bridal table to stand out.....why not have the bridal table with a dark or medium blue tablecloth and light blue napkins. OR...go with white on the bridal table too and decorate the front of it with blue tulle and lights.
Reply:ivory or white will not look plain or boring, what it will do is give you a beautiful backdrop for your floral arrangements and candles.

all those gorgeous flowers on coloured cloths would be too much and the colours really would clash. i'm sorry, i know you'd love us to agree with you, but even though i don't know you i want your day to be wonderful. the white or ivory table linens will add that little touch of elegance that you want. and it will allow your bridal colours to stand out and really show them off in all their glory. your photographs will be gorgeous!

good luck and come on back and let us know what you decide on!

Have you had a lasting impact on people in 2007?

Just like in my real life some of you have made my 2007 memories worth preserving. I’ll be logging off in the next twenty four hours for the rest of the year. I need to do this. Pity that some will not see it, but for those who will – this is from the bottom of my heart……

I’ve never met the following people but have the greatest respect for them. If I trampled on your toes, please accept my apology. I am truly sorry!! DV, Porgie, cakes, HD, Jeez, zxcv, Commodore, Tsepo, MJ, JM, Alfie, Bull and Ayiza…..each one of you had contributed to a better person that I believe I’m at the end of 2007……

……Bull and Alfie, I’ll keep on disagreeing with their philosophy but I thank them for offering good debates. I learnt a lot from them

…..sins, the two of us have scores to settle next year….she always left the best for last

……cakes, if there is a person who should be credited for keeping this section of the forum alive, it’s her….…she deserves a standing ovation!!!

………HD, his story of losing everything he worked for and how he is trying to put himself back again is an inspiration……I am amazed by his positive spirit

…… DV, the wounds are healing but the good memory will linger on

……Porgie, he doesn’t know how I appreciate our “Daffodils” encounter

…Commodore, she commanded her family to bring her laptop to the hospital…that was sweet of her and the lesson was that even in pain, don’t lose touch with those close to you…we are her closest virtual family

…..MJ, I enjoyed his provocative, if not controversial questions….it’s a pity some tended to personalise issues

…….Ayiza, I know that HD said he’ll never forgive him for claiming to be God….but overall I enjoyed your cheekiness and HD was hurt but he is a good person, I believe he has forgiven

……. Tsepo, it never stops amazing me how he comes with those “flashing answers”

Is there any event on YA that has left lasting impression on you?

Have you had a lasting impact on people in 2007?
You know guys, I just love this section. I have seen over the few months since I have joined this section so much debate, laughter, fun stuff and empathy in times where some regulars had personal losses and injuries. The true South African spirit really shows in this section. I have learned so much from many of you and I really think guys like Zim, Cakes, Porgie, Heavy D, Commondore, MJ, Cheri, Alf, Bull, Tsepo, Ayiza, Unathi, Darth, zxcv, Styvies, Jade Moon, Ms1810, Jeez and Tweety.

There are times when we all get ‘gatvol’ with the personal stuff that was going on but time and time again, we got through that and we went on as true Saffas. I will not miss all the reporting and now thumbs down stuff but I have seen that we even rise above those problems.

There are the few I also miss like London Oval and MR Mars . Would love to see them back more regularly. Noted London Oval started to answer again and hope she is back for good.

I closing, that you everyone for all the pleasure you have given me here and I trust the same will be in 2008. May 2008 just be good for all of you and I wish the sun and Gods hand will be on each and everyone of you.

Love you all,

Blue Bull
Reply:It has been a wonderful year for me on this section. I have had the opportunity of meeting friends that I would never have met in real life. I have learnt a lot about other South Africans, a lot more about SA, and a lot about humans and myself in general. There have been lots of lessons and tests on all kinds of human traits, patience and tolerance, mine and others too, that have brought us together as friends because we have allowed each other to say our say, whether we agreed or not.

The thing that really "got my goat" was the spate of reportings and deletions. And more recently, our poor, despicable little thumbs-downer.

There have been many of whom I have become very fond, a few unfortunately left for other pastures, but we have also gained many new friends who are keeping up their side in this section. Hope you stay many moons with us.

Heavy D, thanks for the news from Inno.

My secret little dream is that I should win in the lottery, sommer groot, and invite ALL of you for a bit meet-up Indaba somewhere in the Kalahari, sommer a long weekend conference!!

I thank you all for giving me something to chuckle about every day, And wish everyone all the best for the New Year.

Zim, you and Unathi will definitely enjoy bringing in the New Year in good African style under our huge African sky. We will all be with you in our thoughts. Come back safely next year!
Reply:Have I made a lasting impression on YA answers SA, I dont think so. However, the above regulars with their snappy remarks and constant bickering convinced me to visit here every day. Tnx to you all I have to enroll at the AA !

(Answers Anonymous)

You all have a great 2008!
Reply:damn! today is my first day in the South African section. i wish i could have gotten a dedication. maybe this time next year? have a good one
Reply:I may not have made a lasting impression, no. Give me another year. LOL

Various people on here has made a difference - and I think some of them might be surprised by how deep they touched me with one or two answers. The event that stands out for me is our lovely Commodore getting better after scaring the daylights out of us.

I don't read and answer a lot of questions, it feels to me as if I am cheating - taking all that time to myself! Yet, YA is where I come to when I am home sick. Where I sit and giggle for how typical South African this section and it's people are. And I usually feel better for it.

As you are the one asking this - let me tell you...

about you. :-)

You made me giggle at times, always a welcome addition to my day.

You made me respect you with the way you fairly disagree with other's opinions (well, mostly!) ;-)

You left me intrigued by the way your mind works - maybe you showed more through your questions than what you realized.

Your questions made me wander down roads I sometimes was not ready for - therefor you made me stronger.

So thanks, Zim. For making my life that bit richer.

Wishing you and your loved ones the happiest New year you can dream of.
Reply:Firstly Zim thank you for posting this, what a wonderful idea at the end of the year.

So Guys - All of you - I have been gone for about 3 or so months - firstly to have an op and then to travel to my family in Cape Town to recover. So sorry for my absence.

But also the bickering in July and August made me really think twice about coming back to YA. I am truly glad that I did though, I find warmth and affection here like nowhere else other than with my family and it feels like I have come home.

I wish all of you a wonderful exciting 2008 and may all you wish yourselves come to pass.
Reply:Shot Zim,

Ja, this section really is better than Egoli sometimes! I loved it when Ayiza claimed to be God and also when he used Lethal Weapon II as a basis for his arguments!!!! There are many other regulars whose quirks I could mention....... Cakes, Heavy, Styvies, Blue Bull, Wonderstar, Cheri and so on!

Happy New year to you and Unathi and all of those guys too!
Reply:To me it was just amazing to get feelings of warmth, loyalty, anger, compasion, friendship and sharing with people I have never met, but yet feel so close to.
Reply:Thank you Zim ! I didn't think that any of my blabbering would make a differance ! And I must thank you for learning me to look at both sides of the coin . I am very ridgit in my ways and sometimes even ''hardegat'' as I am used to in ''real life'' my word is law .Suddenly I found myself in a situation where everything I say gets critisized or needs to be motivated .

This factor alone made such a huge differance in my life I can not even begin to explain . I have learned patience and to say I am sorry !

Inno : For being such a good person ! OH my ,I forgot to tell you, she sends her regards to all the regulars ! She was in the boendoes for Christmas !

Sins: For giving me hope !

MJ: For learning me not to loose my temper so fast if I hear what I don;t like !

CAKES : My dierbaarste vriendin ! Who kept me busy with her questions and my mind of negative thaughts when I needed it most !

ha ha ha Alf Garnette : Spelling and grammar lessons on my first day !

Bull : to stay true to myself !

Ayiza : Learning me to love my God more for everything he has given me !

To all the other regulars in this section ,If I did not mention your name ,I am sorry ,I could mention many more things about everybody but I will settle with these thoughts for now !
Reply:I would like to mention Cakes, Commodore, Heavy, Darth, Zxcv, Jade, Ms1810, Jeez, Styvies, Blue Bull, Tshepo and all the other regulars i did not mention - thanks for all your efforts and i hope you have a wonderful and healthy New Year
Reply:This is now my favourite 'hang-out' simply because of you all. Some people have made a huge impact on my life this year and I still believe that without all your support and prayers, I could have been 'looking down from above'. (well at least I hope from above instead of looking up from below!) LOL.

I have a special bond %26amp; friendship with Vango %26amp; Jade, Cheri, Cakes, Zimmy, Unathi %26amp; zxcv. The loves %26amp; smiles of my life are Sins, London Oval, MB1810, HeavyD, DarthV, Styvies, Tsepo, Blue Bull, Jeez, Tweety, One Love %26amp; Turniton. The entertainers of whom I could not live without now are: Ayiza, Alf, Bull and MJ. They have shown me how to argue %26amp; overcome it all. There are just so many people to acknowledge, but it's strange how even the newcomers make the family circle so comfortable and enjoyable.

With all this in mind, I want to thank you all for being so very special and pray that each and everyone of you go into 2008 with good health, safety wherever you go and prosperity, ( especially Cakes with that lottery so that we can all be together!). I have said it before and I will say it again: I love you all and value each and everyone of you!!!

books title a

Romanticism elements?

I'm writing an essay on Romantic characteristics and two of the characteristics of the essay are clashing with one another. I'm not sure if this would fit in the "nature" element of Romanticism or the "supernatural/surreal" element of Romanticism.

Wordsworth: "I wandered lonely as a cloud" Where the narrator descrbies himself as a cloud, and in his loneliness flies over daffodils that also personify humans by dancing in a "crowd."

Then there is Percy's "To Autumn" the narrator personifies the beauty of Autumn to that of a human and then he wishes Autumn would whisk him away like it does the leaves so that he can renew his life.

These are metaphors...so does that mean they should be taken as just metaphors? Or are these metaphors that are surreal and never really before used pre-romantic era?


Romanticism elements?
Because they are metaphors involving nature, I would say to include them with the "nature" element of Romanticism.
Reply:natural and supernatural / surreal metaphors were also used in earlier period where the art of literature heavily referred to the Bible (where metaphors are used in various instance), such as during the Renaissance.

To separate the natural metaphors from the surreal ones, it takes the understanding of the entire literary work we review, also the author's background and intention with that particular piece of literature.

Help with half dead roses?

I moved into the beautiful old house where the previous owner did NOTHING with her yard for 3 years. Literally. No mowing, no trimming, no pruning. The daffodils have grown wild since, and I love them, but the poor roses look terrible. They are the tea type so they have grown tall, but where they haven't been trimmed and pruned for a few years, they are very sparse. I thought about cutting them down and seeing what will happen, but I don't want to kill them. The same for the azaleas and rhododendrons. What can I do for them?

Help with half dead roses?
Roses are very tough. Give then a good hard prune to size them down and shape them - preferably in winter when dormant (however, I have done mine in summer too when necessary and give them a good water and they've never suffered).

As for the grass, I recently scraped off just the top of my lawn to get rid of as many dormant weeds as possible, bought some lawn seed, loosened the top soil, sowed the seed (thicker than recommended as the birds kept eating it lol) and follwed the rest of hte seed pack instructions. After about 6 weks it looked really nice.
Reply:Have you ever thought of laying banana skins round your roses and just adding a little soil over the top of them. As when they rot down they produce potassium which really gives a good boost of fertilizer at not much cost to yourself. Report It
Reply:To save time later spraying roses for green fly and black fly grow garlic round them as the roses draw up some of the flavor of the Garlic and really makes them think twice to settling in your roses over the summer or you can use Lavenders but remember to leave enough room for the rose and Lavender. Report It
Reply:Cut them back, don't cut them down. It sounds like you have got great soil. Plant a vegy garden and a herb lawn. Have a great time gardening.
Reply:its early April so you can cut roses back hard to 18 inches then water in some rose fertilizer (it sounds drastic but the reward will be worth it), leave the daffodils to die off naturally and if you want to move them leave that until October, it wont be long before the azaleas and rhododendrons will be in flower leave them alone for now, when they have died off remove all dead flowers and sickly thin bits of stem leaving only healthy strong stems feed both with Azalea feed, do the same every year. hope I've been of help
Reply:Your best bet is to go to a nursery and find out what to do. everything you mentioned has different fertilizer needs and pruning.

you might be the lady that did nothing in her yard for 3 years if you ask people on yahoo a big serious question. you need to spend some money honey.

EDIT...if she did "nothing" in her garden for 3 years, she probably did "nothing" inside that old house for much longer. I hope you had a home inspection.

EDIT#2: If you had a flea problem, you might also want to check for termites. since it was an older property. best wishes, really.
Reply:you cant go wrong if you follow the advice of the second answer. good luck.
Reply:1. Tea rose care:



2. Azaleas care:


3. Rhododendron care:



It would be best to let a professional lawn service or landscaper put in a lawn for you the first time. Be sure to ask them how to take care of it.

It would also be best to put in an automatic lawn sprinkler system because water is what makes a lawn pretty. It is a must to have a good weekly watering and mowing schedule.

But if you want to do it yourself, go here:

How to grow a lawn, click this link


Is my yard “partial sun” or “shade” and how important is that, really?

I’m trying to figure out what I can grow in my front yard. My house faces North and the flower beds in the front seem to never be in direct sunlight. To me that would imply “shade.”

But there is a hydrangea plant in my flowerbed that bloomed last year, and when I was plant shopping last night, the ones I saw said they were good for full sun and partial shade. I also seem to have daffodils coming up in the same flowerbeds. I though those were also plants that needed full sun.

In fact, the only plant I could find for partial shade to shade was something that looked like an elephant ear but was red. (Not so good with the plant names…). It wasn’t unattractive, but I’d like just a little more variety.

So how do I know which category my yard falls into?

Dos it really matter if I put a partial sun plant into a shaded area? Will it actually not grow, or will it just grow less than it could have?

Is my yard “partial sun” or “shade” and how important is that, really?
The north side of the house is considered partial shade. Hydrangea and daffodil do just fine on this side of the house because they are receiving bright indirect sun. Choose any plant that says part sun or part shade to full shade. You won't usually find a very good selection at your local 5 and dime store. Go to a real garden center or shop on line to find great plants you'll be happy with. Check my sites below.

PS Yes it does matter what the label says. Sometimes your plant will grow in other situations but not to there potential.
Reply:Too much sun will burn some plants. If the area is in the sun all the time, no trees etc to shade it, it is full sun.

Part sun means sun some time but not all the time.

Shaded is no or very little sun.

A partial sun plant in a shaded area may grow, just depends on the conditions combined.

Just see what works best for you. Supposedly, you cannot grow roses bushes in containers but I can. I live in an apartment and have no yard do so all of my plants are in containers.
Reply:there is such a thing as micro-climate. this is where the area is affected by something eg close to house and so behaves differently.

The thing is that you can plant what you want. If it grows great - it is happy. If it doesn't then the situation is not to it's needs.

also when it comes to shade and sun it also depends on when the area is sunny.

Just enjoy.

There are a lot of plants that will be happy in many places. maybe they won't be as enormous as they might be elsewhere but just try. Don't be foolish in your choices as some plants have definite needs.

What I have learned is that the worst thing that cna happen is the plant becomes compost.
Reply:If your not seeing direct sunlight, then it's not full sun. Some plants and bushes recommended for full sun will grow for a few years in partial sun or shady areas, but will not be as full or flowers as well. Eventually they may die out completely, as they never quite get the light they need to store up the energy for the next year. There are a lot of plants and shrubs that grow best in shade or indirect sun. I've listed a link to one company that I typed "shade" into their search to give you ideas for plants to look for in your area. Shade gardens can be like a walk in the woods-lush ferns, lacey red and pink astilbe.
Reply:If you put sun plants in a shadier area than they're supposed to be, watch how much you water them. They may need more fertilizer if you get something that flowers...

Mona lavender is good for shade/part sun

It has purple flowers in the fall with an interesting scent. It's a member of the mint family if that helps.

There are many varieties of ferns that you can get too. Japanese painted fern is a beautiful variation.

When you go to the plant store, just ask one of the people there for help with shade/part sun plants. At the very least they'll point you in the right direction.

Full season bulb garden help?

I live in WI (cold winters) and would like to plant a garden entirely from bulbs (or other hardy perennials). I have full sun. Any ideas on how to plant bulbs so that from early spring to later summer I have some nice color? I can look up the info on when certain bulbs will bloom, but I'm not sure how to plant them so that they aren't competing with each other and end up looking like a big crowded mess. I love daffodils and tulips, but am certainly open to anything else. I don't know much about non-bulb perennials.

Also, any ideas for full shade? I have hostas, but would like to add some color.


Full season bulb garden help?
When planting the bulbs and tulips, put them together in clumps. As you make each hole, put the later-blooming ones in first and the earlier-blooming ones in last. That way, as one is losing its bloom, another one is blooming to take its place.

These are only going to last you until the very beginning of summer.

No perennial is going to bloom the entire summer. You have to put in a mix of them that bloom at different times, then supplement with annuals. Annuals are the only ones that will retain color the entire year.

Other fun flowers are lilies. Day lilies can bloom more than once, whereas Asiatics (the tall ones with thin, almost spiky leaves) will have one longer-lasting glorious display per year. You can grown these from bulbs.

Dahlias are also good from bulbs.

Other cool-hardy perennials are columbine, which blooms throughout the beginning of summer, ivy geraniums (early to mid, sometimes later), and mums. If you plant mums, pinch off the early buds that form in July in order to have a late-summer/early fall bloom.

For a shaded bed, you can try different fern varieties (read the label to determine sun requirements), the hostas, Jacob's ladder, various forms of ivy. I found something called a Japanese rose bush that has spectacular yellow blooms. For annuals in this bed, impatiens give the best color. Sometimes begonias also do well here.

These are just a few ideas.......

mens leather sandals

Do you like my old poem? Wrote it and revised it a year ago. It's a poetry exchange. What do you think?

for you...

sometimes when dark clouds reign

and light is dimmed

when the rains fall without relent

and thinking is blurred

we will recall moments -

moments when reality changed

moments when larger selves emerged

moments when our beings knew love -

tenderness with a different face

cementing shared visions

as the waters cleanse the muddied earth.

-the sun

for you...

sometimes when the wind blows by

and daffodils go out of shape

tender thoughts of you flutter by

as i lie lazily under the shade

i will ponder moments -

moments we savour

moments we treasure

moments of endeavor -

hidden from the world's gaze

clandestine beings behind rays

celebrating the gift of knowing

solemnizing the art of loving.

-the moon

Do you like my old poem? Wrote it and revised it a year ago. It's a poetry exchange. What do you think?
Both were sw33t I'd say, great subtle imagery and very well written my friend *^_^*
Reply:I must agree with our poetic mistress that they are indeed well written.
Reply:Overall, a pretty good effort. I would want to make these two adhere to a similar form/structure so as to emphasize those places where the language is shared. I also think some of the repetition is a bit much for these short poems.
Reply:like the first one.flows,,,,

Reply:ok well i think both are great but i like the first part better


it catches me in a way it makes me finish reading it i give it 2 thombs up

good job thanks for sharing
Reply:I loved both of them but the first i liked a Little bit better ..your really good though Mary keep writing.
Reply:i like it alot i wish that i could write like that damn thats good.^_^

What is your opinion of this poem?

The Cornfield

In the malaise

Of a rudely setting sun

Your tungststen shield

Transparent and over-run

Quiet on quixotic passes

Through thick thickets

Of Pine. oak, and fern

Black forest

Black magic gift

Those tiny daffodils

Lying tranquilly abound

In the soft yellow countryside

Follow me tonight;

Down that dim path

Of pitiful moonlight

Our frenetic hearts

Will be blazed

By neon sparks

What is your opinion of this poem?
Containing grievous errors such as use of the words quixotic, and tungsten (as evidenced by the butchery of its spelling), the line "Black magic gift", and an entire lack of direction or purpose, this poem rests in the bosom of refuse, along with its companions.
Reply:You have a gift of excellent alliteration...a lot of writers don't practice that. But, a free verse poem can sound like a rythming poem when good alliteration is there...internal rythme works just as well.

I'll give you a 10 for this one! Da_n good work, and the message is self-contained, not sprawling all over the place!
Reply:I think it's a very good poem...

I might have adjusted it a little...

"Lying tranquilly abound

Down that dim path

Follow me tonight;

In the soft yellow countryside

by pitiful moonlight"

...very nice poem how it is, though.
Reply:i dont know. i found this really boring. you stuck a bunch of romantic adjectives together and called in poetry.

i'm guessing you could do much better than this.
Reply:wow. i like it. i really like the " by neon sparks" part. veryy good poem
Reply:You have defeated a tricky task with this noble performance.
Reply:i like the part where it says "by neon sparks" its very good.

Which is the odd one out---and why?

Grass, Iris, Palm, daffodil.

Which is the odd one out---and why?
All the plants mentioned in the list are Monocotyledonous plants.


Palm is a tree and all others are non-woody plants and they are herbs ; So Palm is the odd one!
Reply:I think palm because it is a type of tree

Reply:grass, it is because there are lots of different types of grass. it is more of a general thing
Reply:Palm is a dicot, the rest are monocots. RScott

Monday, February 13, 2012

Anyone know about mushroom hunting (MORELS)?

I live in southwest Michigan on Lake Michigan. Our area is heavily wooded as well as having sandy soil. It has been very rainy lately which I heard is great for Morels! Where should I look for them? Do they grow by certain trees? What about the terrain? Do they like ravines (creeks)? And if I do find good Morels, where can I sell them since I don't care for them and they are worth a lot some years? Any advice appreciated. IS MARCH, APRIL, or MAY the best month for my area? And is it good to look when it's really wet and muddy out? We just had our last snow (I'm assuming) last week. Our Tulips and Daffodils are starting to sprout so Spring is here. THANKS for any advice.

Anyone know about mushroom hunting (MORELS)?
Unless you absolutely know what you are doing, do not pick and eat mushrooms. There are many types that look very much alike, and some are deadly. In some instances, the symptoms don't show up for a few days, until the mushrooms have all ready done irreparable damage to your liver, or other important organs. It's just not worth it. Even people who have picked and eaten mushrooms for years sometimes make fatal mistakes. If you are determined to do this, don't just go off into the woods with some friends. Take a class from the Agricultural Extension office near you, or from an expert at the college near you. Be darned sure what you're picking and eating.
Reply:Morels are usually found in Michigan in May. They generally are associated with dead Elm trees, and can be found on several different types of terrain, often old apple orchards are the best location. Lots of people dry morels and sell them on eBay.


Reply:hi there

I'm north of you in Ontario Canada, your season is probably 2 to 3 weeks ahead of ours, i start looking here April 15, so around the last week in march you should start, there are a couple kinds of morel , the big black ones are called pine morels here in Ontario, and are found near pine trees , then there are the field morel, they are white or cream colour, and are found in fields near poplar trees and fern patches, the wetter the spring the better the morel picking. up here if people want to sell morels they put an add in the local buy and sell magazines. if you get to many ship me up a bushel, they are getting harder to find here we havn't had the big snow we used to have, and its dryer in the spring, good luck


Some help with hamsters and tulips... please?

I bought several hamsters two weeks ago but they all died. I didn't want to waste my money so I decided to make jam out of them. But the jam tasted too sweet so I threw it into the garden. Last week, there was a bunch of daffodils growing in the jam.

Now... this is puzzling because I thought you only get tulips in hamster jam. Any thoughts?

Some help with hamsters and tulips... please?
You're thinking of a place in the netherlands, cant quite recall the name now ...
Reply:too obscure,i just thought tulips grow in holland,oh crap Amsterdam is this where you were heading mouse,i didnt read between the lines. :)
Reply:Oh dear....new depths of humour.

Reminded me to look at the bulbs I've planted!

Do you have any last minute Gardening tips for Contest?

My yard will be judged on Monday so I have the weekend to make sure everything is looking great, however, this is my first gardening competition so not really sure what they will be looking for.

My driveway has two rock gardens on each side. The left is nothing but White Creeping flock.

The right side is filled with different kinds of flowers which consist of Giant Day lillies, star gazer lillies, Iris's, tulips, Hyacinths, daffodils, purple corn flowers, yellow buttercups, White Peonies, looks like dragonflower but has blue flowers, (beautiful though) and mini deep pink daylillies. bottom has purple creeping flock, and throughout the rocks are chick pees. The taller flowers naturally are on the top and the smallest are on the bottom with the creeping flock draping over wall all around.

Vegetable garden in back. on both sides in the back mixture of 2 liliac trees, 2 dogwood trees, orange daylillies, carnations, bleeding hearts, yuccas, azalea, Viburnum,

Do you have any last minute Gardening tips for Contest?
It sounds beautiful! Spend the weekend deadheading and hydrating your garden, and make sure there is not a weed to be found, particularly coming up through your creeping phlox.

Good luck and let us know if you win!!!
Reply:To spruce up the left side of your drive you could place odd numbers of pots filled with annuals that mimic the perennials on the right. Also, you don't mention a water feature of any kind....not even a bird bath. I would certainly have some type of water feature that makes noise, even a bubbler in a bird bath. People and creatures are naturally drawn to the sound of moving water. Good luck in the contest!
Reply:sounds like you have it looking beautiful already...and that you have all your bases covered. GOOD LUCK, and enjoy your day...let us all know how you do.....
Reply:Not really any last minute suggestions but stopping by to wish you the best of Luck on Monday! I'll be rooting for you and sending some prayers for a wonderful day too!!


What time of year is best to buy and plant annuals?

I've had the same old annuals going throughout my yard for the past several years. They are becoming poor quality and smallish; producing little plant growth and even fewer blossoms. It's definitely time for something new. Right now I have in some daffodils, tulips, and some other small purple flower that I can't remember the name of. I'm thinking of getting new flowers, but still buying similar species. When is the right time to buy and plant these types of blooms? It seems logical to purchase the actual flower (potted) in spring, when the flowers are in growth, but I've also heard of buying the seeds in fall and planting them so that they'll appear the next spring. Help?!

What time of year is best to buy and plant annuals?
You'll get the best looking annuals right at planting season in your area. Don't put in the ground until you're sure you've had the last frost. If you already planted them, cover them at night with an old towel. Just remove the towel in the morning. If you've been planting the same annuals each year, your soil, or the plants by have a fungus. Home centers usually buy in bulk and most of the plants get leggy and look sick by the middle of summer. (I love impatients but last year, they just looked sick.) Make sure you give your annuals fertilizer, especially the ones that encourage blooming. One good thing about annuals is they can take abuse. You can break of a stem, put it in the soil, keep it watered, and within a few days, it has already got roots.

If you want tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinth, etc for the spring you have to buy the bulbs in the fall. Around September-November they are usually on the market. They can be planted through late winter, as long as you can work the soil. Good Luck.
Reply:May is the best time, usually after "Mothers Day"
Reply:Now is the time to plant annuals where you live. However I hear you are having some snow this weekend, so you might want to wait another week or so.

You cannot buy spring annuals in the fall. It's too cold where you live to overwinter them. You can, however, plant tulips, daffs, crocuses in the fall and enjoy them in the spring.
Reply:mid may is a good time maybe late may or early june so that way they wont die from a rare frost

also put them in decorative pots.

use miracle gro which is a common plant food. it works really well. just wait about 3 weeks for results
Reply:The small purple flower is either a crocus (looks like a mini tulip) or a wind flower ( looks like a tiny daisy)

You can get your answers also at www.gardenweb.com - there is a forum where you can get more answers from top gardeners there.

Planting seeds in the fall works but I've only had the morning glories do this repeatedly and I live in Michigan...zone 5. I have also known more perennials to drop seed and regrow in spring that way as well. It happens with some annuals here and there like allysum, but to answer the question as to when, your zone is probably 6? My planting time is mid May - yours may be early to mid May.

I grow impatiens for shade areas - they fill in nicely, and petunias, geraniums, salvia......to name a few in the sunny ones.

I grow my seeds indoors in March to be ready for May.

www.parkseed.com has many varieties for your home - you'll like this site very much.

It sounds silly, but that's because hate does not belong in it. Did I walk the thin line?


Friends don’t let friends cry alone

by TD Euwaite

I want to sit and hold your hand

Until the afternoon

With sun and rain and robin’s eggs

Daffodils in bloom

I want to hear you let it out

I want to feel your pain

I want to beat the callus cur

That’s treated you this way

As we sit and drink it in

Your heart will slowly mend

And if I see that dog again

He’ll not be man’s best friend


It sounds silly, but that's because hate does not belong in it. Did I walk the thin line?
There is no silly here.

While comforting, you are allowed to feel distaste for the person who seems to have defeated a true friend.

I personally think the line is very thick between hate and the numerous words people should use instead of it.

Morning TD
Reply:Do the mojito....but, work, work, work!

Biloxir would chase that cur away!!!!
Reply:Beautiful. I've also been comforted here by my real virtual friends. (And that's not at all oxymoronic).
Reply:You're a good friend. It is not silly.
Reply:Thank you so much.I am really very much depressed right now.Very much sad.Thanks a lot,it really mean to me a lot
Reply:Well, if you did, (teeter a tad) you walked it well.
Reply:Maybe the answer I gave you yesterday is even more appropriate: a poem is brilliant when the readers think it is about them...
Reply:Uhm, I have a slight critique of your poem TD

The second line: "Until the afternoon " sounds clunky

How about: " Until the 'noon" instead

But otherwise I really like your poem


Reply:Friends dont let friends...? A mongrel curse be on you for your wicked twist from tear to zeal. Think of all reaching for kleenex boxes and then perplexed. lol
Reply:it's nice TD..........sweet and simple and hence so beautiful!
Reply:I don't think it is silly. Actually, I find it quite sweet and sentimental and loving. We all need friends who are willing to hold and listen to us when we are feeling low. It's a lovely poem.

Have I taken this poem too seriously? I just assumed the dog/cur was a metaphor.

Let's hope so...It's bad enough that I have to wear this silly face, but the pout is ultra annoying.
Reply:It's not silly ....I think it's quite good

You may have walked down Lombard Street ............( The Crookedest street in America, San Francisco,California ) a couple of times

And you did not slip%26amp; fall ..........

garden clogs

"Biffy and "Ginger's" trip to Madam Virginia Von Fadglip's Boudoir?

i say old beans "Biffy" and "Ginger" has just returned from a jornt accross the pond to Madam Virginia Von Fadglip's Boudoiur after going on a hunt for the new scullery maid, now one if fritfully confused as too are "Biffy" and "Ginger".

aparently whilst in the lavishly decorated emporium of Fillys and Wenches they became baffled by the question...Daffodils on the piano or Tulips around the organ...one is awfully confused at the riddle can any one help ?

"Biffy and "Ginger's" trip to Madam Virginia Von Fadglip's Boudoir?
My dear man. Madam Virginia's boudoir has its own parlance involving euphemisms themed around the topics of flowers and musical instruments. I won't tell you what goes on there but my husband returned home with scarlet buds around his French horn.
Reply:Dashed if I have any idea old chap, but '....lips around the organ' sounds a bit of all right, don't you know. (Chortle)
Reply:Thank you for informing me that Madam Vagina has an organ. Here was I thinking it was a harpsichord.

What flowers can be direct sown in zone 4?

I know poppies can before last frost.Can hollyhocks,sweet williams,or any others be directly sewn now?I am in Wi.%26amp; fragile plants are usually safe by Memorial day from frost warnings.Are there hardy seeds of other flowers,perrenials,biannuals,annuals? My tulips started opening this week,daffodils are ready,dandelion greens are growing but we are going down to 32 tonight %26amp; will again.

What flowers can be direct sown in zone 4?
I gardened in zone 4 for almost 20 years but I was right in the city which made it just a touch milder, I guess, at least for the plants. In my experience you could plant most perennial and biennial seeds within the next week or two.Those take a while to germinate anyway so by the time they sprout you'll be much closer to the last frost. After they've sprouted you might need to protect them if it sounds like it's going to get down into the 20's but if it's just hovering around 30 they'll probably still be OK. When you think about it most of the plants that are hardy here drop seeds which survive even the worst of the winters our region can dish out, which is pretty nasty! My only concern is that where I am it's been a pretty wet "spring" and a bit chilly as well. You want to be sure that seeds, especially annuals, don't have to huddle in the cold dark mud for TOO long. I used to plant most of my annual seeds between the 15th and the end of May, depending on the kind of spring we were having. Even the years I had to wait though, they did fine, grew fast and bloomed profusely. Of course I didn't do anything very picky from seed either, just the tough old stand-bys. Morning glories can go out with the perennials, by the way, and really, so can alyssum, though that will take off no matter when you plant it so there's no real advantage to getting it in early.The annuals I had great luck with from seed include: Cosmos, Zinnia, Marigold, Nasturtium, Candytuft, Alyssum, Morning Glory, Nigella, Sunflower, and Bachelor's Buttons. Perennials include: Lupine, Coneflower, Aster, Daisy, Phlox, Joe-Pye Weed, Heliopsis, Flax, and Mallow. They mostly won't bloom the first year though Lupine often does and the others can surprise you too.

Have fun with your garden, be a little patient (I know, I know, it's hard after this particular WI winter!) and good luck!
Reply:I too am a zone 4 Montana and we just got done with that icky stuff that you are probably getting now my daffodils bloomed in the snow and the freezing rain did not look very good but it warmed up today and they actually looked pretty good. If you are planting from seeds you might want to wait most seeds have different tempatures that they start growing from like pumpkins the ground needs to be 70 degrees for a few days before the seed actually starts growing. But as far as the plants I have hollyhocks and sweet Williams up in the flower bed already from last years plants I also have at least a dozen other plants that are up and growing also the actual plant has a better time surviving these spring temperatures than a seed does.
Reply:Most perennials will be OK like black eyed Susan's, Shasta daisy and others like the blaket flower.

Lupins are ok too.

It is best to wait till after the last frost to plant seedlings.

Remember just because it seems warm does not mean snow is not right around the corner.
Reply:Check the back of the seed pack for sowing times for WI.

I am in Minnesota and will wait a little to direct sow. Especially since it snowed most of today.

Doesn't Mother Nature know it is Spring?
Reply:You can plant anything you want after your last frost date.

Question about granular weed killers on flowerbeds?

The landscaping just put this on the condo flowerbeds. I have tulips, daffodils, narcissus out there and some roses. I did have bushes that never did well but took those out. I was last summer making rose jelly out of the petals, now I don't know how safe that would be? Also is this going to kill the tulips, etc and harm the roses and did it keep the bushes from growing (golden vicary)? I took the bushes out, because they kept trimming the h*ll out of them.

Question about granular weed killers on flowerbeds?
Granular herbicides are usually specified for broadleaf plants and are definitely no good for roses. The bulbs may be ok. It is very irresponsible of your landscaping to go around throwing weedkillers on your garden.

You might want to check though, there are a lot of slow release fertilisers that come in granular form, they might be throwing this around instead.

If it is a herbicide you will want to get rid of it before it starts to dissolve, get a spade or dustpan or something somilar and scrape the top layer of the soil off, get as much of the weedkiller up as you can.

Any rose products should be fine, a herbicide will kill a plant but most will not make the plant poisonous to consume. Provided they are washed of any surface residue you can do what you like with them.

SPRING IS HERE! Can you write a little story that includes 6 of these lines??

Nope...Not homework...I'm waaaaay past that stage, my friends.

1. Spring-a-ding-ding

2. Ahhh.....Sweet love.

3. Daffodils and cherry blossoms.

4. Love ain't just for the young!!

5. What a day for a daydream.

6. That bird is psychotic!

7. Sunshine and ______.

8. I'm ready for something wonderful to happen.

9. Please share my umbrella.

10. This is so cozy.

11. The thunder rolls.

12. You,me,stormy sky........VERY romantic.

SPRING IS HERE! Can you write a little story that includes 6 of these lines??
It was a warm Spring day and Ahhh.....Sweet love was in the air. The smells and sights of Daffodils and cherry blossoms were enchanting. Predictably Sunshine and Matt were off on a walk to their secret rendezvous. Hand in hand, laughing and looking into each others eyes they walked with the jaunty steps of Spring when they suddenly saw something falling from the sky.

“Spring-a-ding-ding sweet heavens! Is that Superman?” asked Matt with his hand held like a pair of binoculars before his eyes. The red colors of the falling object did lead one to such suspicion.

“Maybe it is a meteorite?” asked Sunshine shielding her eyes too from the glare of the sun.

“I think it is a falling plane!” screamed Matt pulling Sunshine out of harm’s way as the object hurtled through the skies seemingly directly at them.

“It is … it is a bird!” said Sunshine “Oh my word, a bird!” she screamed as she ran towards the nearby field where a large bird had fallen from the sky. It seemed to have a broken wing and lay unmoving with only the flicker of the scared eyes showing any signs of life. The wing span of the huge bird was amazing. It was wider than that of an Emu or an Ostrich. It was larger than any animal they had ever seen.

“The poor big birdie seems hurt!” said Sunshine as she squatted on the ground close to the bird. Matt took out a can of drink he had in a pouch on his pants and offered this to the bird which drank like it had a thirst that would have slain ten camels. Then it rose majestically into the air and flapped open its huge wings sending up a cloud of dust and debris that appeared like a cyclone. It then rewarded Sunshine and Matt with a grateful smile.

“Did it just smile at us?” asked Matt. “That bird is psychotic!” Sunshine sat gracefully under the shade of the spread wings.

“This is so cozy!” she said “Please share my umbrella. Come on and sit here with me. I'm ready for something wonderful to happen next!” Matt wandered over and sat by her side wondering what could possibly happen under the wings of the large bird.

“It was probably dehydrated.” He remarked. Just then the big bird seemed to grunt and laid a golden egg. It rolled this with its beak to Matt and Sunshine and rather slowly and reluctantly took flight. Matt and Sunshine have kept the golden egg to this day.
Reply:I enjoyed the other stories. Thank you for BA Report It
Reply:Spring-a-ding-ding is here, and the daffodils and cherry blossoms are in full bloom. A hummingbird begins to fly recklessly near a man and a woman walking in the park. "That bird is psychotic!" the gentleman exclaims to his companion. He offers her a quick escape. "Please share my umbrella." As they begin to stroll, he thinks to himself, 'Ahh....Sweet love. This is so cozy. I'm ready for something wonderful to happen. Love ain't just for the young!!'
Reply:"Spring-a-ding-ding is HERE!" I thought to myself. "I see daffodils and cherry blossoms! " I decided to drive down to Jimmy's house with the sun roof of my car open. As I was driving, I heard some screeching and cawing. I looked up and a bird was landing on my HEAD! It pecked at my hair and grabbed a beak full of my brown hair. "EEK! That bird is PSYCHOTIC!" I had swerved a bit, but now I was back on course. I got to his house and he jumped in the car. He gave me a HUGE hug as soon as he was in. "Mmm, This is so cozy." He said. "Yeah, I know, but you're gonna have to let go for me to drive!!!" I told him, laughing. Soon, we were where we were supposed to be, the park for a bit or relaxation!When we got there, it had started raining a bit, rolling thunder, a little lightning. Not TOO dangerous I hoped. I got out of the car and Jimmy pulled out an umbrella. "Please share my umbrella with me My Dear." He said, laughing. "Ahh....Sweet Love." I answered him with a smile. We sat under the umbrella on a nice warm blanket. "You, me, stormy sky.....VERY romantic." He told me. He kissed me, and we sat during the whole short storm, together. ?

:D The END!

Haha, that was fun to make.

? Pretty Answers

Visual C++ opengl code request

Does stem length affect a cut flower's life?

I've been bringing in daffodils from the yard to brighten up my house -- the first two bouquets stayed lively for almost a week, but the one I've just cut is wilted after only 3 days.

The lengths of the stems on the first two were about twice what I cut this time, because after a cold snap most of the flowers in the yard drooped and bent the stem so that they wouldn't stand in a tall vase. Was it the cold snap that did this bunch in, or does a short stem length affect how long a flower will stay bright after it's cut?


Does stem length affect a cut flower's life?
most if not all of the problem was because of the cold. try a mix or 1/3 sprite and 2/3 water in the vase. you may get a few more days out of your flowers
Reply:Probably the cold snap did the blossoms in...usually the daffodils are pretty hardy and will last a while when cut.
Reply:Shortening the stem should not affect the flower's staying power and with some, especially roses, having enough stem to allow removing an inch every couple days to expose "fresh" cells to uptake water can add days of life.

As Sugarlov stated, the cold may have been the culprit, but also, the daffs may be nearing the end of their natural bloom which would also explain them being short-lived.

I have managed to extend the bloom of daffs and tulips around my yard by about 2-3 weeks most years by planting many types of each and I think more importantly, by setting individual bulb "clumps" at different depths ranging from slightly above the recommended depth to 2-6" deeper. Occasionally doesn't pan and some bulbs rot, out but I think having fresh cut flowers around another week or two is worth the attempt!

Will you visit yet another mansion?

Setting: Southern antibellum plantation mansion surrounded by magnolias and flower gardens.

Time: Any Spring

Nature's Song

Magnolias blooming in the spring,

Is such a sight to see.

While sitting on the sunny porch,

And sipping on my tea.

The bluebirds singing in the trees,

The lilacs all in bloom.

The perfect day to be a bride,

For just the perfect groom.

The roses with their fragrant blooms,

Grow in the flower beds.

The yellow of the daffodils,

Will compliment the reds.

The robins hop along the ground,

The squirrels run up the tree.

The eagle soars high in the sky,

And watches down at me.

The deer are grazing with the cows,

They have no need to fear.

Their are no hunters with their guns,

They're safe while they are here.

So sit with me and while the time,

Sit here and drink some tea.

And watch with me as nature sings,

Her song to you and me.

Will you visit yet another mansion?
I for one see nothing forced about you rhyme pattern. Anyhow, It's just beautiful, Dondi. So serene and welcoming. The images are vivid and lovely. I am an avid gardener and roses are among my favorite. And, for the sake of artistic license, we'll just say that roses and daffodils bloom at the same time in your garden ;) They would be beautiful together. I also like that the deer are safe in this garden. Just beautiful...Wish I were there.

Wow, your roses bloom in March...what zone are you?

You'll have to pardon my ignorance. I'm zone 7 and I pretty much think everyone's garden blooms when mine does.

I'm not trying to be egocentric, but I sometimes forget that things grow differently in other zones. Your garden sounds fabulous.
Reply:I'd love to have tea on your plantation. Then, you can come to my little place on my island and have coffee with me to the sound of the ducks and gulls in the shade of the Rose of Sharon and birch trees.
Reply:I'd love to sit there and watch the colors and sounds of a southern springtime. Could I also wear on of those old south hoop skirt dresses?

Beautiful poem.
Reply:i loved it...thanks for sharing on this lovely spring day...i'll have a sip whilst i sit on my porch aswell!

Reply:Always at it. Writing what I can't. Thanks for sharing.

Very nice work:)
Reply:tender, peaceful, forced rhymes,

Grade B minus
Reply:I really like this! Its well written. And I can picture myself sitting drinking tea and everything else. lol. =)
Reply:I could actually smell the air, feel the sunshine and taste the tea. You must really love her to paint such a wonderful picture of her.
Reply:Your poems make my knees weak. I really enjoy them.
Reply:Loved the lines about the yellow of the daffodils complimenting the reds and the bride and groom. And who pray tell, is the lady friend you have invited to sit and drink tea? Another great poem.
Reply:Hi Dondi,

Beautiful Your are great on your songs and Poems My Friend.

You earned a BiG Star from Me My Friend..

A Friend,

Reply:Wow Dondi this is absolutely fabulous and really great.I loved how you wrote this lovely and so romantic poetry of love.Thanks it was so great 10 / 10 ..
Reply:"The bluebirds singing in the trees,

The lilacs all in bloom.

The perfect day to be a bride,

For just the perfect groom."

Most Romantic Dondi.....I can imagine...and in my vision stands a beautiful bride and her handsome bridegroom...
Reply:If you get any better, I won't be able to stand it. Great poem. I think I'll show to my girl. Who knows, maybe she'll get weak kneed too. lol

Can someone mark stressed and unstressed in my poem please??? need it before monday!?

Clear blue sky

inviting everyone to fly

sometimes cloudy

sometimes sunny

sometimes rainy

sometimes dry

birds are flying with joy

in our beautiful sky

roses, daises, jasmine and daffodils,

are all different types of flowers

red rose is the symbol for love and passion

daisies symbolize simplicity

jasmine symbolizes elegance and kindness

and dafoodils symbolize regard

they live in our minds and hearts

all are unique and special

mountains are the gifts of nature

holding so many things in their bellies

so many minerals, diamonds, and treasures

mountains are the real beauty of the nature

keeping the snow for the spring water

feeding the land to become greener and greener

mountains are gifts of nature

Can someone mark stressed and unstressed in my poem please??? need it before monday!?
That is not a small task in this forum--it would be easier to hand write it. I recommend you read it out loud; the stressed syllables will be fairly clear.

And What Of The Wood?

The Blue Bells rang in joyous chime,

Daffodils joined in trumped tune.

The forests heralded the changing clime

Woods creatures eyed the dipping moon.

Then all became alive that glorious morn

When the little one's came to play,

Along secret paths in the new days dawn

Laughing to the music heralding the day.

Green the trees did sway to the tuneful sound,

The brook in playful flowing abandon.

Did ripple and tumble the leaves it had found,

Over stones and rushes stems at random.

While clouds did plow across a sea of sky,

Ships of the heavens slowly sailing.

To destinations helped by the breezes soft sigh

The master at their helm ne'r failing.

Two turtledoves did coo on oak tree branch,

Foretelling a day of fine weather.

And Midges hovering together in merry dance,

Grouse building nests in the heather.

The local farm boy singing his merry lay

As through the wood he goes.

On one shoulder bread and cheese for the day,

The other he carries his hoes.

And What Of The Wood?
You carry out the musical, rythmic vein with-shall one say-extraordinary consistency over the course of the lines and verses. I find it pleasing.
Reply:Would that I could...be in that wood!
Reply:i like this poem it, is

happy and refreshing.

need a more lighter title:


Reply:A fine poem! I enjoyed it. Such vivid imagery. I thought I could close my eyes and be there in the wood.


Hello English Friends across the Great Blue! What do you plan on growing in your gardens this Spring?

I'm really curious to hear what folks in other countries grow in their home flower and veggie gardens. We live in the Midwest, in the States, and here's what we'll have:

Loads of tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinths, and other bulbs my girls planted with me in the fall.

We'll plant zinnias, cosmos, morning glories, roses, along with butterfly bushes, stargazer lillies, daylillies, lilacs, mulberry bushes, and tons of other flowers.

Our veg garden will have loads of tomatoes, Indian corn (the girls love the colors), cucumbers, and some herbs. We have deer, rabbits, and bunnies, so lots of other veggies get nibbled down. :)

I was wondering what you all grow? How big are your yards? Ours is .78 acre which is 2,608 square meters . We usually start planting our spring gardens around Mother's Day in mid-May - is it the same for you?

Thanks so much! I can't wait to get the Spring Gardens going, and have always wondered what gardeners in other countries planted. :D

Hello English Friends across the Great Blue! What do you plan on growing in your gardens this Spring?
I prefer growing fruit %26amp; veggies rather than pretty things (that's my dad's job) but I have bought some Cosmos bulbs - the type that smell of chocolate.

This year, I am growing from seed -

Tomatoes (cherry and normal)

Physilis (aka cape gooseberry)

Runner beans

Haricot beans

Garlic (planted in December)

Mushrooms (from spores)

The physilis and tomatoes will be kept inside my greenhouse, although the tomatoes could live outside quite happily.

I also have (as perrenials) -

Lemon balm



Blackberries (more of a weed, we keep trying to get rid of them)





I also have a couple of pet chickens who lay eggs, and produce fertiliser :) I couldn't begin to list all the other, non edible plants in the garden, there are so many, but our garden is about 100 - 130 foot long and 15 - 20 foot wide. I have just planted the seeds for the tomatoes and physilis, but most others will have to wait a bit longer, once it has warmed up and we are no longer having frosts.

PS I'm in SW England.
Reply:except for the pysalis and chickens I am right down there with Helena in location (Tavistock, Devon) and what I'm growing
Reply:I'm trying to grow grass.

I'm failing miserably. I think my fingers are red, not green
Reply:only weeds iam to lazy to do it

Can someone please tell me if im reading this question right?

i have an assignment to do a report on a poem called daffodils, but one of the things my teacher is asking is confusing me. the problem is

Rewrite the poem in your own words line by line. (Do your best)

now the only example he gave was "shall i compare thee to a summers day." are you as beautiful as the summer.

im in no way looking for answers here just an explanation of the question like does he mean for me to rewrite the poem in my own words like for example one of the lines is they flash upon that inward eye the way i see it is they appear in memory.

can anyone please exaplain the question to me


Can someone please tell me if im reading this question right?
Re-read the example...

"Shall I compare thee to a summers day."

Now translate that to common English...

"Should I compare you to a summers day."

Basically, what he wants to do is make sure that you are comprehending the classic text in common English. This exercise will help you when reading many poeting prose down the road.

If that answer doesn't help, give me another line from the poem, and I will give you another example. This is a classic literary device.

Good luck!
Reply:I think you hit it right on the nose. Teacher wants you to write each line in your own words as you see it. I think it's an excercise to see how much you get out of the poem.
Reply:He wants you to read each line. And then think about how YOU would express the same thought (how you would say the same thing).

Here's one ...

Breathes there a man with soul so dead.

To me, this says, is there a person who is physically alive, but emotionally dead.

Do you like my new poems about the garden in Suffolk?



There’s a patch in the corner of my garden

Filled with carrots and turnips and rutabaga

Underground goodies, row after row

All planted there for my little blue mole…


Mole’ Sauce

Who dug all these holes

That little blue mole

She’s busy at my bulbs, I see

The Crocuses are yummy

Tulips fill her tummy

Daffodils, Peonies, Begonias

Gooder than cheese and bologna

Dahlias are oniony, she cries

Hyacinths and Hostas are quite mild

Iris and Lily, they all make her silly

Caladiums, they just drive her wild


Do you like my new poems about the garden in Suffolk?
Good job you never mentioned the foxgloves but am partial to white flowered nettles.

I am still flattened from earlier do you want me to throw you some roses you theatrical drama Queen you.

I just have to lie her a bit longer and dream of bobbles of purple Allium, until impatiens gets the better of me Peonie who is waiting to ride me off into the sunset until I'm Begonia.
Reply:Love them!
Reply:Nice work..
Reply:very good you get a star.
Reply:Carfrees.......... Strong words.......softly spoken!

Eloquently built!~

She will be charmed!!!
Reply:Shite. Pure Shite.

Don't serenade the Suffolk mole

Or you'll get a visit from the bucktoothed troll

His pointy head will pierce you through

If on the blue one you try to lay the woo.

Hope this helped,

Keep writing

Reply:When Moley told me she liked flowers, I didn't realize she LIKED flowers. She's eatin' 'em?!?! Omg, I gotta call FedEx and cancel that shipment of live daffodils to Moley as a Christmas present. I had no idea she'd be eating them. Poor little daffies.
Reply:Despite the fact that this has nothing to do with Suffolk... moles aren't blue... they're rodents. People don't plant flowers so the moles can eat them.
Reply:I see ol' TD is feeling very frondly to our resident Mole as he tries to plant one on us by cultivating his sense of wit with his fertile imagination. What else will crop up? Green Acres is the place to be, but I get allergic smelling hay.
Reply:If they're meant for a child audience then you're set. If not, uh....

Why have my crocuses died?

Right at the beginning of spring, I saw some crocuses starting to come up.

Through mid-March I saw them wilt, and then bloom, and then wilt, and then bloom again.

Around April 1, they were still bloomed. From then on, we had a nice weather streak, with temps around 55-65 degrees, with night temps of 40-50 degrees (I live in Pittsburgh, PA).

For some reason, 9 days later, they have died, but there still has been some nice weather. I have other flowers growing close to the spot they were in, but I don't believe that should be a problem.

People have not stepped on them, either. They were just sitting there, in the garden, with some daffodils and other growing bulbs.

Also, they were purple and yellow. Maybe that could be a reason, because they are a certain type that die in warmer weather?

Thanks for the help, if anyone can!

Why have my crocuses died?
Crocus usually only last a couple days. The warmer it gets the faster they die. All spring bulbs are like that. You must have seen different ones coming up and blooming through out the time because once they bloom that's it for the year.

Reply:our weather these days pays havoc with out plant and bulbs, due to the change in climate they say,

choose hiking boots

Garden vandals?


I planted years ago the most gorgeous rows of daffodils along the edge of my garden / house and drive. Every year, they come up and look absolutely gorgeous.

However, this year, someone every Saturday evening/ Sunday morning is keen to ruin them. This morning when I went out, I was so upset. Piles of them had been broken and flowers lying on my lawns and roads.

What can I do about this? This is unacceptable.


Garden vandals?
Technically, it is criminal damage and if they are coming onto your property to do it, it is also trespass.

We had problems (still do) with people cutting through our garden. They've kicked the gates in a few times (dunno why because all they had to do was open them!!) and cut through the hedge which leaves a bit gaping hole in it and has therefore caused damage.

We notified the Police because of the gates and he also made note about the hedge and said that too is criminal damage and because they are cutting thru, it is trespass. He gave us a crime reference number and said that if it happened again and we became a "repeat victim" of that particular crime, then the Police would install discreet cameras to try and catch the culprits.

May seem a bit extreme contacting them about some damaged plants but you can always have a word and see how helpful your local Police are. We're lucky that ours are very good around here.

I know how you feel though, it's completely infuriating!

The other thing I might suggest is the anti vandal paint that doesn't dry. If you know where they are getting through into your garden ie if they have to climb over something, then you could paint that so they get it over their hands and clothes and isn't easy to get off. However, if you have animals that might not be suitable and is the only reason I didn't paint the inside of our hedge with it!
Reply:I have a solution that a mate of mine did - it worked a treat but I take no responsibility for the following suggestion!: He set up a cheap garden sprinkler system in his flower beds. Lead the hose back to a water tank (a plastic bin will do 50-100 litres out of view and he attached a submersible (will sit in the tank) water pump recommended to work with the sprinklers - and filled the tank with water. Here's the clever bit: He added the solution used in stink bombs - contact a stink bomb manufacturer to obtain the stuff in larger quantities - not too expensive to buy and easy to get. He set this up so that he could operate the pump electricity supply from behind his window - he kept the stinky tank outside!!.

If you do this, then you can wait up for them next saturday night and switch it on when the morons start wrecking. You can take this one step further and get it triggered by a passive infra red sensor so that they trigger it themselves when they set foot in your garden!!. This should make them see that their behaviour stinks!!.

Failing this, get a nice looking perimeter metal spiked fence installed and have high gates to your drive.
Reply:Get someone you know to help you pick out /set up a home security camera. Cameras are so cheap now and you can have the footage recorded onto your computer so you don't even have to mess with film, tapes, etc. anymore.

My brother set up security cameras around his whole house, and has it automatically recorded onto his hard drive, and he's not even *that* computer smart but he did it by himself. I think he spent around $300, but he got some fancy shmancy kit that came with everything. You could probably cherrypick just what you need for a lot less, if you can figure out how to get the camera footage sent to your computer - my brother's camera system is wireless.

I am so sorry this has happened to you.

Other things you could do would be to mount a motion light - a big bright light that turns on automatically when it detects motion in a certain area.

I would also file a report with the police. But the cameras would be on my #1 priority list. We're installing cameras too, but I've got a techie husband so I don't know what's involved, lol.

Ooh, just thought of something else, maybe find something you could spray on your new plants that would burn the offenders? Pepper spray, cayenne pepper, or something like that maybe?

There are also motion-detecting sprinkler units that pop up and squirt water - we looked into getting those for people's dogs that poop on our lawn!

p.s. I would not do anything that could be seriously harmful until you find out what the culprit is, animals like dogs, cats using flowerbeds as litterboxes, iguanas, gophers or just about anything can really shred a garden. You might have a furry creature on your hands.
Reply:Unfortunately, most of the things you can do - and would probably like to - are illegal. You mustn't shoot them, you can't install razor wire and you can't electrify the fence, so short of standing there 24/7 there's not a lot you can do to deal with those vandalising creatures - but OH, wouldn't it be lovely if you COULD.......
Reply:Do you like roses? If so why not plant either a decently spiky rambler or patio roses.Patio roses are lovely to look at and get covered in flowers but are as spiky as a very spiky thing.I have left mine to do as they please and i am now very wary of them.The flowers are very pretty though.
Reply:I think the only thing which will really deter imbeciles who do this would be to plant booby traps. Get some help to make sure that you don't kill anyone, just maybe seriously maim them.
Reply:A small CCTV security camera might be your friend here

www.maplins.co.uk is where I bought mine

Can someone please tell me if this sounds right for my report?

i have a report to do on a poem called daffodils but one of the things i have to do is rewrite a poem in my own words and i ran into problems with two lines here is how the where my problem is

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

and i wrote it like this

as many as the bright stars

that shine in the sky

they go on and on

----along the striaght line------

---ten thousand suddenly appeared----

swaying their heads in a happy way

my problem is with the lines of along the margin of a bay and ten thousand i saw at a glance i dont really know if it sounds right or not

so does this part of my report sound right i does anyone have any other ideas on how i can make this sound right

any help would be great


Can someone please tell me if this sounds right for my report?
How about:

and stretch by and by

10,000 stars, within my vision they lay
Reply:Ten thousand saw me with one quick look.

I dont know about the other line though...

Loving someone must be based on decision...?

I love daffodils and cats.

I just love them, for no reason,

But when it comes to loving a girl, it is really perplexing.

I loved Susan she is pretty and charming I started loving her at first sight but our relationship deepens she began to ask commitment from me and behave a little bit naggy.

And I also lost somewhat interest in her and began to fool around.

we broke up temporalily and interestingly enough I miss her like a hell now.

I know I must be with her But I am still scared maybe same thing can happen again and we can break up again.

Love needs commitment ? we must somehow decide to love? It sounds funny but we can love people as we love flowers and pets?

Loving someone must be based on decision...?
There is a difference between "love" and "commitment". you may love each other but either one or both of you may not be ready to commit to an exclusive relationship. In your teens that is a big question. some people really need that "token commitment" to feel secure in a relationship. It is something you need to talk about with your girlfriend. Not looking for commitment does not mean that you want someone else it means that you are not mature enough (no insult - emotional maturity comes with age if you're lucky) to say you are the one I will love forever and ever, amen! that is why parents get worried when kids make big emotional commitments they are not ready for.

A respectful relationship that says," if I find myself attracted to someone else I won't embarrass you by drooling in public and I will tell you if I want to date another before I do it " is what is appropriate for teen and young adults who are not ready for marriage or long term commitment. Talk to your GF about it.


Colors are like people

There's more than meets the eye

No two are quite the same

It's own rhythm each lives by

Red a blazing fire

Or Juicy apples in July

Mobs on overcast days

A newborn babe's first cry

Orange a spark of hope

A simple act of gratitude

The fresh scent of peeled fruit

Fish with a gleeful attitude

Yellow is the sun's energy

The happiness of two friend

Warmth a smile always brings

Daffodils in summer winds

Green is life born anew

A tree so proud and tall

A young deer grazing peacefully

Soft rain finishing it's fall

Blue is a gurgling stream

Birds soaring in a cloudless sky

The peace endless oceans bring

A tear that will not dry

Purple an ultraviolet light

Twinkling stars where bats fly

A bruise from a clumsy stumble

Violets swaying under a gorgeous sky

Our differences may seem grand

Yet we're all important in life's game

For what would a rainbow be

If each color were the same?

The last line of the first verse is awkward because it is back to front in order to get the rhyme with 'eye'

How about this instead

Colours are like people

No two are quite the same

With each there's more than meets the eye

Each has a different aim.

Red is

Orange is

What does 'mobs on overcast days' mean? Is it some American thing I wouldn't recognise?

I love the Orange verse

- a fish with gleeful attitude (great image)

Soft rain ceasing to fall. (???) yours is too long

two friends

I think the thing I am trying to say here is - just take time to read your poem aloud, hear where it is a bit clumsy, or where the rhythm fails, make small adjustments and the end product will be something to be proud of.

You have clearly worked hard on this poem and in many ways you have succeeded in what you set out to do.

Well done.

i love your decriptions and imagery

its so original


Can someone please tell me if i explained this right?

i have a presentation to do explaining the poem daffodils but my part of the presentation is to exaplin the structure of the poem now i know all of the main parts like the ryhme scheme but when it comes to the poem is in iambic tetrameter i am stumped....

does that mean there are three sylables in each line or ok well i looked it up but the explanation confuses me a line consisting of four metrical feet..

can some one please explain what iambic tetrameter is like how it deals with the poem

any help would be great


Can someone please tell me if i explained this right?
Iambic tetrameter is a line in a poem with four iambs. One iamb consists of two syllables, where the first has no emphasis and the second has emphasis.

What does that mean in English? It means that every line in iambic tetrameter has eight syllables. The syllables group in pairs (called iambs). The first syllable of each pair is not stressed while the second one is.
Reply:Wiki has the best explanation:


Help! what's eating my plant?

Hello. Something's eating my anemones. There are holes in the flowers or they disappear completely and the leaves are being stripped. Wood pigeons, earwigs and slugs might be culprits but I can't tell which one is doing the damage. They've also munched my blue primoses but have left my daffodils and crocuses alone. Would be very grateful if anyone's got any ideas what might be doing the damage.. I'm losing about half of them! Thanks v much. See link below for pic of the damage:


Help! what's eating my plant?
Reply:its been very wet so most proberly slugs buy some slug pellets this will help
Reply:Ladybirds or green flies.
Reply:green flies... or maybe othe rkind bugs
Reply:Rabbits ?

A2 Law question-Theft scenarios. Homework Help?

What offences, if any have been committed in the Emmerdale department store?

(a) Zack borrows an electric drill for the weekend without telling his supervisor. He returns the drill, with the motor burnt out.

(b) Lisa, a cleaner of low intelligence, finds a diamond ring in the ladies toilet. She keeps the ring. When discovered, she says she did not realise that it would be possible to find the owner.

(c) Marlon, the flower department manager, picks daffodils growing wild in nearby woods. He sells them in the store and keeps the proceeds.

(d) Debbie, a customer in the food department, takes a number of items and places them into a basket provided by the store. She then takes a tin of salmon and places it in her pocket. She pays for the items in the basket, but not the salmon.

Complete a plan for each scenario, then write one scenario in essay format.

Which one should I do in essay format?

A2 Law question-Theft scenarios. Homework Help?
A) Misdemeanor vandalism and burglary.

B)Petty Theft, unless the ring was over $500.00.


D)Shoplifting, Petty Theft.

Caladium Bulbs Spoiled?

I am new to gardening and trying bulbs/tubers this year. I live in South Texas. I planted some Red Blaze Caladiums from Walmart in the north facing side of the house(very shaded from big oak tree %26amp; house) about 3 weeks ago. We did have light rain for an entire week the week after i planted, so i didn't water them. I dug down to check on them and they are not growing an roots that i can see. I accidently knicked one with my little shovel and inside it was all white and a little gooey. My husband says they rotted. Another lady told me to dig them up and put them somewhere sunnier. Idk, what to do. I have another package of different Caladiums I didn't know where to put, should i just plant those in instead? The tulips * Daffodils I planted have all already sprouted. Please help. And I thank you for your time.

Caladium Bulbs Spoiled?
Caladiums take a lot longer to sprout than do daffodils and other cool-weather bulb plants. They DO need some sun. I don't personally like purchasing plants from Wal-Mart; they don't seem to have any qualms about selling you last-year's merchandise as current. I recommend getting bulbs from a reputable nursery and paying a bit more, even if it means you get fewer bulbs.
Reply:Tulips and Daffodils sprout earlier in the spring than Caladiums so you would expect them to grow earlier, but sounds like your Caladiums were put out to early, they shouldn't be put out before April as cold weather will hurt them.

I am in North Carolina, and have at least 100 Caladiums.I dig them up every fall and re-plant in March.Caladiums must have at least 70 degrees steady SOIL temperature to sprout, which would be 2 weeks at least.It seems like the gooey one might have froze?

Sometimes I will miss a bulb or 2 and if they were deep enough without a solid freeze they come up also.We seldom have a solid freeze near the coast.I plant the bulbs 2-3 inches deep.

Good Luck

BTW Trish is so right about Walmart. I never buy plants there.(Or much of anything)

choose hiking shoes

Can someone please tell me?

Where i can get more info on Friars glass, a couple of years ago my son saw a vase lying covered in sand between the daffodils next to someone's house. He brought it home , i washed it and have used it ever since. A while back i made friends with a chap living down the road from us close to where my son found the vase and he my friend came for a cup of coffee yesterday for the first time. He noticed the vase and told me his mom had one just like that and i told him where and who found it. He said it must be his, i saw two small vases on a program on tv this morning and they went for fifty pounds. I am going to return the vase to him as i feel guilty, i know i have nothing to feel guilty about but it is just right that i do so. I would like to read up more about the vase and tell him about it . Thank you so much in advance.:)

Can someone please tell me?

That will help you with the info but I just want to say :

Kudos to you for being such a loyal friend !I'd love to have a friend like you ! And do not feel guilty, feel proud for doing something good and whole as that ! :) !

Best of Luck !
Reply:I think you mean Whitefriars glass wear. They are most famous for the Drunken bricklayer vases that can fetch hundreds of pounds.
Reply:it's very famous and very much in vogue right now. I am sure that if you just type Friar's vases into Google you'll get links gallore.
Reply:i have nooooo idea what you are talking about. something about a vase???

Do you laugh at other peoples misfortunes?

A lord came home from a week away, he was met at the railway station by his chauffeur.

'What news from the manor,' asks the lord.

'Well your little dog is dead sir,'came the reply

'That's terrible, but how did he die, he seemed healthy enough last week?' asks the lord

'The mare kicked him sir.'

'But they were such friends, why should the mare kick my terrier?' the lord asks

'It was when the stable caught fire my lord' the chauffeur replied

'Good Lord how did the stable catch fire?' asks his lordship

'I'm afraid it was a spark from the manor'

'The manor and the stable burnt down! But how?'

'It was a candle on her ladyship's coffin which started it all.'

'Oh no dog, horse, stable, house and wife all gone. Is there no good news?'

'Yes sir, all the heat from the fires has fetched your daffodils out early'

First told by the late, great Blaster Bates

Do you laugh at other peoples misfortunes?
In real life, never.

For joking, though, precious little is sacred.
Reply:... mmmmm... bad punchline.... I expected motre....
Reply:eeeeh wouldve been good but need to come up with a better punchline

good idea though :)
Reply:This wasn't very funny.

You tried atleast.
Reply:its the way he told them.........knicker brook %26amp; a shower of sh*t over Shropshire are good listening
Reply:umm... it was okay
Reply:Terrible joke, just terrible.
Reply:hmmm... was hoping for a better punchline.,...
Reply:DOH,sad punchline,Was looking forward to the end too.Never mind you tried,

Decorating park pavillion & bathrooms?

Any ideas? Wedding is October 31. Black tablclothes, with yellow daffodils %26amp; pink %26amp; orange gerberas are our flowers. Lots of greenery as well.

Each bathroom has one sink with a small countertop area. If flowers or candles were used to decorate it, they'd have to be small.

Decorating park pavillion %26amp; bathrooms?
Rather than decorating the bathrooms, I'd suggest putting out some little niceties - a small basket with tampons/pads, a bottle of lotion, some Shout Wipes to clean up little stains...Just make sure the bathroom is CLEAN. That'll speak worlds louder than putting flowers or candles in there. =)

Edit: I can't really help you with basket placement unless I have an idea what the bathroom looks like. You could potentially bring in little tables (or even sturdy music stands!) to put the baskets on depending on how much space is available. Throw a piece of fabric over it and it'll look just fine holding a basket of thoughtful items. =)

Alternatively, you could possibly hang the basket, either from the top edge of the nearest stall or using suction cups against some appropriate surface. (Think about those shower baskets that you can buy to hold shampoo, etc.)
Reply:Daffodils are spring flowers, you won't be able to get them for a Halloween wedding. Black tablecloths sound like a bad idea.

For the restrooms, don't crowd the counterspace with vases %26amp; candles. Look into florists clay/ modeling clay. This will allow you to stick vases %26amp; candle holders on the wall. You might also be able to hang things if the bathrooms have tile ceilings - you can run a wire above the ceiling supports and hang flowers, candles, etc. from that.

Turning your wedding into a Halloween party will be hard to explain to your children in 10 years. I wouldn't do it.
Reply:I would say not to decorate the bathrooms but place little baskets..with a box or two of floss, maybe some toothpicks, hand lotion, some of those stain removal wipes, tampons, and hair pins/bobby pins in the womens rest room, and a small sewing kit..

*add or take away whatever you need*

as for decorating the pavilion..its hard to say without actually seeing the building
Reply:The pavillion is one thing but I think you need to ask about those bathrooms, you are not renting those and they are not covered in your permit.
Reply:I love the idea of a Halloween wedding! It's the best time of year! We are getting married on the 18th of oct. this year, that's as close as we could get being that halloween isn't on a sat this year, and we had to work around osu's home game schedule.

Anyway....you might think this is cheesy but orientaltradingcompany.com has cute toilet paper with a bride and groom on it that I'm thinking about getting. They will also print personalized banners and stuff that you could use in the pavillion.

Other than that I would stick with things in season like silk leaves, berries, gourds, and stuff like that to decorate the reception.
Reply:Hi. I live in upper Michigan and have been to many park bathrooms so I have an idea of what you are describing.

Here is what I would do. IF you can bring in a little table of some kind, then you can place the basket of "bathroom items" on that. It doesn't need to be near the sink....just in some location. If not, then don't worry about the basket of essentials.

I would, however, buy 1 or even 2 wire baskets or plastic baskets of guest towels. Put them on the countertop area. Something like this:

Here is the holder:


Guest towels:


NOTE: There are many places on the internet where you can purchase guest towels. I have even bought them at Target! They are just a little extra nicer than the brown paper in most public bathrooms! I used these for my son's wedding in the bathrooms and they were all used up by the end of the night!

If you want, get a bathroom rug and put it in front of the sink area. Make sure everything is clean and has LOTS of toilet paper!! Put extra rolls in each stall.

That's about all you can do!

I'm trying to write a novel, is this Chapter good?

Tell me if it's good but try to keep down the criticism I'm very sensitive.

The Dreams and the Rose of Heather Dormeur

Prologue: Heather Dormeur the Angel on Earth

Heather was a young and very gracious, beautiful, and kindhearted girl. She had radiant blonde hair the glimmered in the sunlight. Her skin was lightly tanned and her eyes were gorgeous pools of water that brightened the dullest of windows. She was an intellectual girl as well, very popular and well liked by everyone. She was asked out to dates several times by every boy in her school. She also helped out at the animal center and donated to the local orphanage every week. She was just an angel that flew from heaven to bring splendor and optimism into the dreary and cruel planet known as Earth. Maybe she was, but we will never know.

Chapter 1

“Honey, wake up, wake up!” Mrs. Dormeur said with a gentle voice.

Heather woke up with a long and lethargic yawn that signified her long, deep sleep. She wasn’t a morning person at all; she referred to mornings as a guillotine that cuts off sleep and relaxation. Yet, with a reluctant sigh she got up.

“Mom, do I have to get up at six in the morning! School isn’t for another like two hours!” She said with a voice that made her seem like she was about to die a painful death. Her mother said not a word for two hours. This perplexed her.

“Mom you ready to drive me to school?”

“You’re not going to school today hon’.”

“Why today is Friday right? I also don’t recall today being a holiday, and today is supposed to clear up later today.”

“You’re not going to school because we are going to a funeral today.”

“Whose funeral is it?”

The room was silent for a few minutes, and Mrs. Dormeur started to cry her eyes out, and with eyes filled with tears and her voice gasping for air. She said “Your father’s funeral.” Heather’s heart fell, it seemed like it wasn’t a heart, just an empty black hole with nothing but pain, fear, and gloom trapped inside.

Heather didn’t believe this was true. Her mom had taken acting classes, and she had seen her act she was quite exceptional. “Okay mom nice trick but I don’t believe you.” She said with a skeptical tone. “It’s true Heather, its true.” She said still sobbing. “He never came home last night, I got a call from the police yesterday night saying that he had died when a careless driver crashed into him making him swirl off the highway and fall into the river and he drowned…” Heather was in absolute shock. She couldn’t hold back the tears and she sobbed and mourned the loss of her dad. Never did she think this would happen. With frail and sorrowful hearts they got in the car after on a stormy morning in April. The road seemed like an interminable, for the drive was dull and the day was a drowsy one in which someone could just fall asleep and dream…

Heather had found herself in a cell with bright and vivid images of her father, these pictures showed all their good times together, at the bake sale in 4th grade. There was also a picture of him teaching her how to swim when she was four. The picture of him teaching her how to ride a bike was also there. So many pictures from her younger years and they all made her heart fill with bliss yet suddenly they spontaneously combusted into small sparkling specks of the pictures. Heather cried once this had happened, yet the pieces formed together and turned into a spectral form of what looked like her father. Heather looked up in amazement at the brilliant figure. He wore a robe of fine white silk and gold, his face was hidden behind a veil.

Heather was in total awe! She could not move a muscle in her body. With a very harsh and brutal voice he said, “Heather… my lovely Heather.” Heather couldn’t help but feel discomfort. He continued saying, “Heather I have to tell you a secret, which has condemned me from the very day you were born.” He took a small pause and silence came over the cell, it deeply disturbed Heather and gave her goose bumps. In a scream that was filled with hatred he yelled, “I hated you I always have, I always will! You were such a burden to grow up. Always asking questions and wanting to learn things! It annoyed and tortured me in the very pit of my soul! Yet that is not why I loathed you.” Heather was completely paralyzed. He continued “I was thinking of killing you at the peak of your life. I had planned to right after the day of my death!” He carefully lifted his veil and under it was a blue and lifeless face filled with anger and rage. “I had died because god protected you; god loved you and hated me that is why I loathed you because you were too perfect too much of an angel. I could see it I our eyes the day you were born.”

The cells just shattered into darkness. Heather ran while all the memories of her dad, which were all around her, were being consumed by the encroaching darkness. Heather’s father yelled, “You can not escape death! Oh no never can you! I wish I could’ve ended your life but the cruel tortures of humanity and life will devour your being and turn it into nothing! NOTHING!” The darkness was coming for her catching up… When suddenly she heard a voice…

“Heather Dormeur! Wake up! Wake up we’re here!”

Heather woke up with her eyes wide open and a face that looked bleak and pale.

“Honey are you okay?” Mrs. Dormeur asked.

“Ya mom I’m okay I just had this nightmare.” Heather said with a somnolent and a slightly fearful voice.

“You sure, your face is really pale and…”

“Don’t worry mom, I just got a little car sick… That’s all”

“Okay then lets go get ready in the bathroom”

Heather was thought about the dream she had of her father, she was very confused and a stormy cloud of melancholy, hatred, and guilt came over her. She had never thought her father had that of her this way.

As she got out of the she had noticed that they were at a very old cemetery. The tombstones were covered in this grotesque mold that had grown and the stones looked like mounds of pebbles glued together. The dirt was more like sand, to the touch it was very soft to the touch but very hard to grab.

She had entered the convenience store on the other side of the street after seeing where the funeral would take place. She disliked wearing mourning outfits just for the fact that they were only back and so sad to look at, a whole group would just make her cry at the spot.

She went back to the cemetery and saw that all of the family on her dad’s side was there. There many that looked depressed naturally, stressed out, there were some plump and slender ones they looked like a very odd bunch of people who you would never guess them to be related. Heather was not paying attention to them though, her mother was greeting them, and she could not help but only look at a picture of her father and feel a lot of displeasure, hatred and love for the man.

As she was walking in the funeral service which was in a beautiful garden in the very back of the garden, it was the exact opposite of the cemetery for it flourished with beauty and liveliness, and was trimmed with beautiful flowers such as petunias daffodils and a variety of roses and in the very distant corner there was this pitch black rose in which stuck out but with its distant location no one had noticed, except for Heather.

This rose seemed to have been grown in hell for its stem was withered brown and yet the flower itself didn’t fall. The petals were twisted and deformed and there were only about 13 petals and they each had a taint of red on them. The withered stem had exactly 666 miniature thorns which Heather was shocked when she saw it. It was also quite tall and it’s fragrant smelled of a rotting lamb carcass. This rose had an ominous feeling about it, it left the atmosphere around it filled with discomfort, depression, guilt, envy, and other emotions that made a heart blemish its state of contentment. Heather marveled by this mysterious black rose decided it to pick it from the spot and keep it in her coat.

A microphone had gone on and old man who looked like the Pope with

black lustrous said. ”We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of Lukas

Derek Dormeur.” Everyone there turned to a podium in which the man was talking. “Does anybody have a few words to say?” He asked. Mrs. Dormeur went up to the podium and said, “My husband was a great man who lived life without any regrets. He loved everyone he has ever known and showed us what he could do, what his dreams were, he inspired us with persevering to the end and teaching us great lessons about life and how to reach happiness and to maintain it.” Mrs. Dormeur then just crying after the period, she looked like she lost something precious to her, she lost her love and her soul mate.

Heather felt that all she said about him was true but it was merely a curtain covering the devil that stayed sanctioned behind a form of what seemed to be her caring father. It was all a cover-up he was a man whose life had been driven by killing those chosen by god to have a life of perfection. She could not help feel the same emotions she felt earlier, she was confused on why she felt like this. Heather was an age that would be ready to be released into the world, she didn’t understand, she was feeling a mixture of pain, sorrow, guilt, and detestation, while the body was put in the soil to rest forevermore.

After the service there was some food under a tent of smooth silken fabric. It had pervaded throughout the entire cemetery and the entire area was under a veil of light. Heather in her state of depression and rage could not help but release it. She pushed tables on to the ground smashed glass plates and stomped the food. She ripped off the veil and took a lighter from a man who was smoking outside and burned the entire veil. Finally, Heather had dug up her father grave with her bare hands and burned coffin and his body was burned right there. People panicked as the veil was falling down in flames. Heather just ran, ran as far as she possibly could away from the giant pile of flames in which people were trapped under.

She heard screams and cries for help, but Heather could not but just stare and think of the thought that the demon which was her father was exterminated forever, and the memory of him will be long forgotten. She could not help but laugh a maniacal laugh that plagued the air with death. Heather knew this was arson, genocide and many more crimes so she kept running after that brief pause. She never looked back and she just kept running to a future that was untold.

I'm trying to write a novel, is this Chapter good?
It's alright in premise but in execution you need a little work. Learn to break large portions into smaller paragraphs to avoid the "WALL OF TEXT (tm)" effect and at the very beginning, your description kind of throws Heather in your face too fast.

Now what I've heard in writing is, "Don't tell the reader, SHOW the reader". Don't start it off just describing Heather's looks and life off the bat. Start it off in the middle of a dialogue or monologue, as if describing what you see happening in the beginning of a movie, or maybe having Heather looking back at the past and recounting her tale and ending this narration at the point where she "never looks back and keeps running toward her untold future".

Describe her in bits and pieces scattered between storyline and if anything you don't even have to describe her at all. Sometimes the readers enjoy having a character they can form their own description of. Try reading more published novels and take notes on how their characters are introduced and just how long it takes to form the *Author's* picture in your mind in contrary to how you form your idea of what the character looks like.

Its hard for me to explain but you'll see that the "famous" authors and "legends" don't describe the character head to toe in the opening paragraph and drop little hints as the actions unfold like midway through a stressful dialogue, "Zack gave an exhasperated sigh as he ran his fingers through short, peppery grey locks"... and maybe a little while later in a whole different scene where he's talking to a girl who loves him and the narration goes, "Amanda couldn't stop gazing at the man's amber eyes-- no one but she would ever be so mesmerized and taken by such simple radiance."

Good luck! Writing's a fun art! I hope I helped a bit!
Reply:wow...im stunned,

keep it up and let me know when it turns to a film :)
Reply:It has the potential to be good but you haven't quite pulled it off yet. It's too stilted and awkward, the character interaction is very cold and disjointed. There's a lot to critique here but I'd tend to agree with the answer above me (or at least, it was above me when I started typing).

My first reaction as a reader to seeing this girl who gives to charities and is perfect and everyone wants or loves her, is that I want to watch her fall on her face. It seems too good to be true, and I think the funeral is a nice thing to segway into early on. However, you really would benefit as a writer from slowing down enough to be in the moment with your writing instead of running past. You need to feel every part of what's going on, and if you did that you'd see the use of cliches and abstractions are unappealing. Such as "she couldn't help but feel discomforted." Her dad is dead, of course she's discomforted, but then that doesn't really cover it, does it? She's chocking, she can feel the vomit raising in her neck, burning as an invisible force strangles her, she can hear the thumping of her heart pumping blood faster and faster into her skull etc.

Maybe that's overdoing it but it's just an example. I hope you don't take this harshly, I'm not saying it's bad. In fact, I rather like where it's headed. I just am not the type to say "It's awesome!" and leave it at that. I may say it's awesome, but I'll give you reasons why and some opinions on how to improve. Take it for what you want, I'm not published either, save for the newspaper, so if any of what I've said makes sense then keep it in mind, if not no worries.

Best of luck.
Reply:I think you've got a great idea for a book. Lots of action and suspense. You may want to consider a course in creative writing to help organize your thoughts and brush up on your grammer. I'm thinking of taking one myself. Good luck.
Reply:I think you have a good start and a decent story line, but if you really want to build on it, you will need to fix some of the details and rethink a few ideas.

All in all a great start and I would love to hear the rest and/or help you edit it. It takes a lot of work to write a good story, and I think you are headed in the right direction.
Reply:Well, firstly, I'd say to develop your character more. The flawless angel going to burning a dead body is quite interesting, but perhaps there should be more hints at the beginning, besides just a dream that propels her to do so.

Also, sometimes, looks, dates, and popularity aren't enough to describe an angel. There's a little superficiality in her. If she is "popular", is she biased or unbiased? Will she help the "popular" student, or will she also help the "unpopular" student? Does she turn down the dates that she frequently gets? Or does she accept them? If she accepts them, does she ever fall into conflicts with dating previous boyfriends? Does she have any particular hobbies, anything that fascinates her? Develop her. I'd also suggest to 'suggest' that she's an angel. The way an angel interacts with others is different than, say, how a bitter widow interacts with others. The way she dresses, the way she thinks.

She also seemed rather "whiny" in the beginning. I was a little surprised that she objected to waking up early. Her mom keeping mum for two hours, then popping the statement, might signify that she thinks her daughter isn't strong enough to handle death until she's fully awake. How her father treated her when she was alive seems very good, as she did not seem to have any problems as the angel. This is slightly confusing as she decided to burn the body. She also seems to be on excellent terms with her mother. However, the way she suddenly committs arson implies there are underlying problems beneath her angel exterior. Perhaps hint at them more at the beginning? How she believed her dream to be truth also seemed rather strange.
Reply:While I liked this piece, I felt it was a bit flat for me. I see that you have a generous helping of adjectives there . . . bad move. It is good to be descriptive in your prose, but over doing it will spoil it for the reader. You have a lot of grammar problems within your chapter and with some tightening, this could pass. Oh and one can't be sensitive and a writer, rejection is a mainstay. Get used to it and fast.
Reply:Wonderful! Very good use of adjs. This book is sure to be published, and guess what,if it is,I will be reading it!
Reply:its great!!! i love the suspension. tell me when theres more!
Reply:OMFG your like amazing that was soo good. I want more. Post the next chapter up when your donee.
Reply:add more emotion towards the death of the father...take it slower..other than that great!
Reply:Hmm, to start off for some technicalities, though they're mostly typos. If you checked them over, I'm sure you'd find them. But they just bothered me a tiny bit, so I put them here. You are welcome to skip this part and auto-correct it if you'd like!

-Keep the story in past tense, since that seems to be the frame in most of your sentences: "She wasn’t a morning person at all; she referred to mornings as a guillotine that CUT off sleep and relaxation."

-Missing commas in many places (I've added them in): “Mom, you ready to drive me to school?” (there's a pause between "Mom" and "you ready," unless she said it all in one breath) / She said, “Your father’s funeral.” / With frail and sorrowful hearts, they got in the car after on a stormy morning in April. / He continued, “I was thinking of killing you at the peak of your life.

-Missing grammar: "Why today is Friday right?" --%26gt; "Why? Today is Friday, right?" / Her mom had taken acting classes, and she had seen her act she was quite exceptional. --%26gt; Her mom had taken acting classes, and she had seen her act. She was quite exceptional. / “Okay mom nice trick but I don’t believe you.” She said with a skeptical tone. --%26gt; “Okay mom, nice trick, but I don’t believe you," she said with a skeptical tone. / “It’s true Heather, its true.” She said still sobbing. --%26gt; “It’s true Heather, its true,” she said, still sobbing. / He wore a robe of fine white silk and gold, his face was hidden behind a veil. --%26gt; He wore a robe of fine white silk and gold; his face was hidden behind a veil. (comma changed into a semicolon, which links sentences together) / “Okay then lets go get ready in the bathroom” --%26gt; “Okay then lets go get ready in the bathroom.” Periods and question marks finish off every sentence, regardless if it's dialogue or not. Periods and question marks are always inside the quotation marks too.

-Missing grammar cont'd: This rose seemed to have been grown in hell for its stem was withered brown and yet the flower itself didn’t fall. --%26gt; This rose seemed to have been grown in hell, for its stem was withered brown and yet, the flower itself didn’t fall. / The petals were twisted and deformed and there were only about 13 petals and they each had a taint of red on them. --%26gt; The petals were twisted and deformed and there were only about THIRTEEN petals and they each had a taint of red on them. (Unless the number is more than 20, you need to put the figure in words and not in digits. / It was also quite tall and it’s fragrant smelled of a rotting lamb carcass. --%26gt; It was also quite tall and ITS fragrant smelled of a rotting lamb carcass. / A microphone had gone on and old man who looked like the Pope with black lustrous said. --%26gt; A microphone had gone on and old man who looked like the Pope with black lustrous HAIR said, "........"

-Missing letters: "...I could see it I our eyes the day you were born.” --%26gt; "...I could see it IN YOUR eyes the day you were born.” / The cells just shattered into darkness. --%26gt; The CELL just shattered into darkness. (assuming this is a jail cell?) / "Oh no never can you!" --%26gt; "Oh no! You never can!"

Heather woke up with her eyes wide open and a face that looked bleak and pale. --%26gt; I think you have a sentence fragment here. "And" often links sentences together. So, Heather woke up with her eyes wide open, AND a face that looked bleak and pale.....?

Moving on. We are first introduced to Heather when you describe her. Maybe you want to keep this description in your character's personality? It seems that a novel might want to start off with a hook or a brilliant, vivid description of a typical day in the angel's life. She appears as a Mary Sue, which may be slightly irritating to some readers.

When Heather first hears of her father's death, you could make it a bit more apparent that she feels a foreboding in her heart. Pain, gloom, etc. certainly can be felt at a funeral. You could also extend Heather's reaction. She does experience absolute shock, but does she experience hysteria? Hallucinations? Or does she simply begin to grieve, moving on past the initial blow? Does she feel overwhelmed? Does she want to lash out at her mother? Does her mother console her? However, you also say that she mourns. Absolute shock + mourning are sometimes days apart. ^^;;

I think God is capitalized? For example, "Some religions have their beliefs in more than one god, but Christians are monotheistic and only believe in God."

"Heather was thought about the dream she had of her father, she was very confused and a stormy cloud of melancholy, hatred, and guilt came over her." This sentence is very much like this one: "Heather’s heart fell, it seemed like it wasn’t a heart, just an empty black hole with nothing but pain, fear, and gloom trapped inside." It simply lists what she feels. It seems these are pretty defined, solid, and conclusive feelings, having arrived to the conlusion that she hates her father. Could you perhaps expand on this?

How does she count 666 thorns, by the way? I'm curious; I understand the connection between the devil date, though.

Finally, Heather had dug up her father grave with her bare hands and burned coffin and his body was burned right there.

How does she burn him? Does she whip out a match and set him on fire? I wonder if the attendants of the funeral are shocked as well, if she has the strength to dig out a coffin. That would make a very dramatic, tragic scene if there were some wild or maniac sense/feelings described.

Also, did she suspect that he was the devil in any way, or was he a great actor?

Overall, it's a good plotline and interesting prelude. I think a major thing you're missing is details, though not of Heather herself. Sorry for all the crits, as they seemed to be rough spots in an otherwise decent chapter. The use of adjectives and verbs is rather superior and adds a very nice touch. Just a few thoughts of mine; good luck with your novel! I'm awaiting her future!
Reply:wow i say it's beautiful keep writing please!

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