Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can someone explain it!!. it's by woodsworth:?

i wandered lonely as a cloud

that floats on high o'er vales and hills

a host of golden daffodils

beside the lake beneath the trees

fluttering and dancing in the breeze:::

continuous as the stars that shine

and twinkle on the milkyway

they stretched in never ending line

along the margin of a bay

ten thousand i saw at a glance

tossing their heads in sprightly dance:::

the waves beside them danced; but they outdid

the sparkling waves in glee

a poet could not but be gay

in such a jocund company

i gazed and gazed but little thought

what wealth the show to me had brought::::

for oft when on my couch i lie

in vacant or in pensive mood

they flash upon that inward eye

which is the bliss of soltitude

and then my heart with pleasure fills

and dances with the daffodils..

Can someone explain it!!. it's by woodsworth:?
I have taken poetry classes in college as an English minor, and has always helped me. Also Here is the address to the explanation of the poem you asked about by Wordsworth.

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