Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Help me with this poem's meaning.?

N the tavern of my heart

Many a one has sat before,

Drunk red wine and sung a stave,

And, departing, come no more.

When the night was cold without,

And the ravens croaked of storm,

They have sat them at my hearth,

Telling me my house was warm.

As the lute and cup went round,

They have rhymed me well in lay;--

When the hunt was on at morn,

Each, departing, went his way.

On the walls, in compliment,

Some would scrawl a verse or two,

Some have hung a willow branch,

Or a wreath of corn-flowers blue.

Ah! my friend, when thou dost go,

Leave no wreath of flowers for me;

Not pale daffodils nor rue,

Violets nor rosemary.

Spill the wine upon the lamps,

Tread the fire, and bar the door;

So despoil the wretched place,

None will come forevermore.

please help, honestly its really improtant...

Help me with this poem's meaning.?
I get the feeling that this is an old inn talking -- an analogy of what happened in the Inn, the love and romance, and then being left alone. This is both the house and a spinster, perhaps owner of the tavern.

It also appears to be an Old English poem with words like stave (stanza of poetry) and rue and dost; when she was romanced by lovers who stayed because she (the Inn) kept them warm.

The second stanza tells of more men, bards, poets, players, who have left their marks upon the Inn (the woman); loved and left. This is the middle of life -- the exciting part of joy and happiness.

Now the Inn is tired, it no longer is fresh and young, and it is ready to be shurt down. Much like an aged spinster in the final days of her own life. A bit bitter, slightly searching, but not succeeding in joy.
Reply:It's about a woman who has been hurt by everyone she's been with and wants the man that is with her now knowing he's going to leave to completely ruin her so that no one else will come and then leave her life hurting her that much more in the end. It talks of how her lovers have given her presents and left their memories for her and it just hurts her that much more that there are the memories because what she remembers tears her apart (metaphoically speaking). and she just wants to be a bitter old lonely woman that doesn't ever have to go through such an ordeal ever again.

very sad


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