Monday, January 30, 2012

Why don't deer eat daffodils?

The claim is that they stay away from Daffy's cuz they're mildly poisonous and taste nasty.

But I used to live in New Jersey where you couldn't look in any direction without seeing a deer. IF they get hungry enough, they'll eat them.

Why don't deer eat daffodils?
Just a matter of taste I guess. It is for the same reason that we don't eat certain foods...we don't like them. There are many plants that deer will ignore and others, like trillium, that they will wipe out. There are many lists of deer resistant plants but I still think it is a matter of taste. Many of these plants are yellow but this is not the rule written in stone. I have hundreds of daffodils planted at the edge of the woods and not one has ever been eaten by deer.
Reply:I have no idea, but I wish they did.

My daffodils are coming up now... much too early! help!?

I live in Tallahassee, FL and it has been unusually warm this winter. Some of my daffodils are starting to come up, and they will certainly freeze before spring because it definitely will get colder! Does anyone have any advice to protect them and/or to keep the rest from coming up?

Also if anyone knows anything about irises, this is the first year I've planted them, and they are all coming up too. But I don't know if this is normal or not?


My daffodils are coming up now... much too early! help!?
They'll be OK! I live in Ontario, where it's been a mild winter too, and ALL the bulbs are responding to the sunlight! In preparation for when it's bound to be freezing, lightly mound mulch / leaves / compost / grass cuttings over and around your bulbs, and they'll be protected against frostbite. Your mulch will insulate any above-ground growth from getting "burnt" by the frost. The bulbs below-ground will survive whatever winter weather you have. And then wait for spring! Enjoy !
Reply:I live in NC and my tulips and daffodils are coming up also. I think last year the daffodils tried to come out early, but they stopped and actually finished blooming when they were supposed to. This weather is crazy....

Put a lot of mulch around them!!! They'll be okay!!
Reply:I never thought of daffs in Florida. In Washington they come up when they want and people get worried. I work in a nursery and comfort them. They will slow down when they get cold. If you are really worried you could put a bit of mulch around them until frosts are over, then remove it.

Irises are very easy as long as they have good drainage and some sun. We can't really make them go back down, trust them to do what they need to do to survive.
Reply:My daffodils start every November. They always die back for the winter and start again in the spring. It's just what they do. I suppose with the right temperatures they think it's spring. I wouldn't worry about it. As for the iris', as mine are dying back right now, new shoots are coming up at the same time. This is normal. I planted re-blooming iris' in the fall of last year. They bloomed in the late spring and summer. Then they bloomed again in the fall. Now I have one that is blooming for the third time even though all of the others are dying back. Bulbs seem to live in their own little world. As long as you water and feed them they do just fine.
Reply:Let them come up but if there is danger of a frost then get cardboard boxes that will fit over the plants and that will protect them. Before you cover the plants make sure you water everything down. Cold air is dry air and that is usually what kills plants during a freeze. Get some bricks or rocks to secure the boxes in place and if there will be rain with the cold front then cover the boxes with trash bags. Do not use the plastic directly on the plants. That should protect your plants until danger of frost has passed. Good Luck and Happy Gardening!

Garden in Cumbria whose woodland slopes are aglow with thousands of daffodils in spring (5,4)?

this is a question in a crossword and so far I have the following letters

U_O_N_A_G I have spent couple of hours on internet and still I cannot come up with an answer, can you help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garden in Cumbria whose woodland slopes are aglow with thousands of daffodils in spring (5,4)?
Could you have some letters wrong? Acorn Bank would fit, it's a garden in Cumbria with more than 60 varieties of daffodils and narcissus.

Visual C++ opengl code request

I'm in Zones 3-4?

I'm looking for something new to put in my garden. Besides tulips, roses, daffodils, petunias, etc... what is a nice unique flower I can get that will hold up great outside in my zones. Let me know what you've had luck with.

I'm in Zones 3-4?
Go to your local garden supply store. They have everything you need.
Reply:How about some azaleas or hydrangeas. Lilacs smell good. Lily, iris's, astilbe, mmmmm, let me think. If you want something old fashioned try bleeding hearts. All of these are perennials!

Pre-Calculus Question?

Ali simply loves pastel colors. In fact, she plans to paint each room of her four-room apartment in a pastel color. If she has 7 different colors from which to choose, how many different coloring schemes can she use if:

a. each room could be painted any one of the colors?

b. each room must be painted a different color?

c. each room must be painted using either robin's egg blue or daffodil yellow?

Pre-Calculus Question?



When do tulips blossom?

I planted tulips last autumn along with daffodils, The daffodils are about to blossom any day now, however the tulips are just about poking through the ground

When do tulips blossom?
I am in yorkshire and in a sheltered spot in my garden AND dispite recent weather I have a whole bunch of them

in flower
Reply:"When it's Spring Again, I'll Dream Again..."

Spring, I think.

That's when I steal them from the Council parks and gardens...
Reply:Bulbs i would say early summer- early spring.
Reply:I plated tulips about 5 years ago and still to this day the only thing that comes through the ground is the leaves. There has never been a bloom on them. Maybe this is your case too. If there isn't a bloom by April then more than likely they aren't going to bloom.
Reply:bulbs are not like seeds. they grow really fast.
Reply:Well, I've planted the same combinition too... We have a very alternative weather here and they just freez after sprouting... but dont worry... Tulips will flower too... If you want to have flowers next year, fertilize them now and after you remove the spent blossoms...
Reply:by Spring season they will surely bloom.
Reply:if the season keep to schedule around about March-April sometimes a little bit after the daffodils
Reply:Q : [When do tulips blossom?,...].

A : { See%26gt;%26gt;;

" Just, wait a bit ! "

" Your Tulips, will require at least 3 weeks, to grow up,

in to blossom! "


** The tulip required the weather,

can be varied between 10 centigrade degree in the night ,

to about 20 centigrade degree in the day time ,and the wet

ground, to be able to grow up for blossom!.

** While the season keep to schedule, the tulips blossom are

around about March-April.

** Sometimes these will be happened, a little bit after the

daffodils. }.



Reply:Generally,in May.However the recent mild winter in the Uk has encouraged growth.

Locally,tulips are 2-3 inches out of the soil.

We've had hard frost lately,they're looking sad,but will recover when Spring arrives.

Spring - is there any sign of it where you live?

Here in SE-London some early daisies on my lawn. Snow drops sprouting all over the place. Early shoots of daffodils showing. A few early sprouting leaflets on some shrubs. Local gang of magpies making whoopie like they'e getting read to start nesting. Likewise the Crow Gang further down my lane.

Spring - is there any sign of it where you live?
i live 2 mile outside RYE IN EAST SUSSEX AND IV GOT LOADS OF DAFFS.SHOWING , ALSO THE BIRDS ARE BEGINING ME WAKE ME EARLY IN THE MORNING , Ohhh its a great way to wake up, spring its my favourite time of the year
Reply:Yes, I can't believe it. 12 Celsius (daytime high) and has not dropped below 10 since new year and only gone under that once or twice in Dec.

I live in Fareham on the South Coast. My plum tree has sprung leaves some of my fuchsias never lost all of them and my South African Daisies never lost any. Naturally the daf's are out in force.
Reply:Here in Michigan, I'm along Lake Michigan and it is -9 (C), and we are buried in snow, expecting more snow, and expecting even more snow. Even my squirrels are hibernating right now!
Reply:Just got back from Kota Kinabalu where the weather is fine in the day and raining in the night, got some fish out on the reefs, caught a couple of tunas (3 pounders) and couple of 15 pounders, plenty of small fish. Back in Hongkong the weather was really bad, 12 deg. c. with slight drizzle, no sign of spring in my loins yet. When I do see some signs will definitely let you know.
Reply:Hi Clive ,,,,,Here in Rockhampton Australia we are in the heat of summer ....daffodils and daisys would melt at the moment ........ so hot some days breathing is hard work ..... We are also bracing for a flood , predicted to hit us on Sunday ......71% of Qld Australia is in flood at the moment .....the flood waters we are expecting are from Emerald in central Aust .....these waters have wiped out many homes and buisnesses in Emerald ...... We aussies live in such a diverse country .... we take it all pretty much in our stride ...... London sounds beautiful ....elegant in fact .
Reply:It is currently -15F or -26C where I am today. The lakes have anwhere from 12 to 18 inches of ice on them, and we still have about a foot of snow on the ground.

So..... No signs of spring in Minnesota.
Reply:-36 F here, no, no sign here yet, wish the Global Warming thing was real, maybe it would be a little warmer here.
Reply:the tree outside my house has been blossoming since november. its all very strange it doesnt feel like january at all its not cold and wintery at all
Reply:aahhh spring!! im in Glasgow's CIty Centre....we have clear skies and sulight....but its very cold outside and is snowing after every 30-40 mins.......strange alltogether....but were used to it!
Reply:Here in north Wales it is sunny, but VERY cold. There are some cherry trees in blossom around here, the cat is having mad running around the house sessions, so, spring must be on the way

You sound like a happy chappy, enjoy your spring in London
Reply:Toronto Canada and east along the Lake Ontario area: just had a major storm of about 6 inches of snow and high winds causing dangerous white out conditions. So, no it does not look or feel a bit like spring around here.
Reply:not here in scotland
Reply:I have -14 and has been barely above 0 for about a week.
Reply:Yes. We live just off Hyde Park (the Knightsbridge side) and the "Local Gang"(s) of "Magpies" and "Crows" are indeed 'occupied' with "making whoopie" and 'feathering their nest' - for which I hope and trust, that; they get arrested (by any decent Copper doing an honest day's work for an honest day's pay) and........ 'molested'" (by any 'volunteer' from the Marwood, Berry, Ellis, or, Pierrepoint Families - Great Public Servants; hope the Law changes; sooner than later - by way of; Public outrage.)
Reply:Blame Global Warming... or George Bush for not signing the Kyoto Protocols [he of course is omnipotent according to AGW proponents]
Reply:Absolutely not - it's 12 below zero here in the Twin Cities (That's Fahrenheit) That's 24 below zero Celsius. I'd love to invite the Californians who have never lived in a place where it's been this cold to come on up and spend a winter up here.
Reply:England can be great full for this warm jet stream coming from the Pacific's Equatorial region across the Atlantic. Otherwise you would probably be freezing like much of the USA.
Reply:you have too much time on your hands
Reply:I live in bury st edmunds, suffolk and there are a lot of daffodils growing about!!
Reply:i must be going crazy because its snowing occassionally up here and its bloody FREEEZING!!! aint spring this early! ask again in march.....
Reply:I saw a calf the other day which looked to be just new born, it was stumbling all over the place =) also there is snow drops growing in my next door neighbours garden too!!
Reply:Warm for the time of year isn’t it? In Suffolk the average temperatures for January this year have been up to 13C, usually the average for mid-April. January temperatures are usually around 6C.

We are likely to see colder weather before spring fully arrives though. Metcheck have a list of dates when particular types of weather can be expected at certain times of the year. Be interesting to see if these continue to hold true in the future.


What do you think of my photography?

I loved the idea for the chandelierisc light in the back ground

this took a long *** time in photoshop.

What do you think of my photography?
i love them all
Reply:well, the photochopped stuff is neat, but the actual photography is mediocre.
Reply:It's ok I guess.
Reply:It's a good effort, but I'm not much of a fan of highly edited photos unless it's for a CD cover or something. That's just my preference though.
Reply:very awsome keep it up
Reply:i like the 1st, last one, and the one with the little kids

yea its unique
Reply:Cool photos! Keep it up!
Reply:i think there pretty cool but come pictures are kinda scary
Reply:I liked it. Good Job
Reply:very unique

and you have potential just keep working at it, you also seem to know what your doing in photoshop which is awesome to be efficient in!

Way to go girl
Reply:it's so retro and black and white; devoid of any content.
Reply:i think your awesome. keep up the great work!!
Reply:I like the HUGS
Reply:its good....maybe try some diff varities of photography like some nature photos and such. other than that good job! =]
Reply:Most of them look like regular family album pictures but the jones soda one and the hair one look very cool!
Reply:really good, you did that??? wow! i like the second one the best!
Reply:well the Jones is need to focus on learning both on their own first and them bring them together...

photography ...good photography needs to exist on its own first

.....keep have a good start
Reply:the second one was the only one half decent/ You should get a photography teaching book and learn some tricks of the trade. About angles, colors, composition- if you are really interested in making this something serious and worth looking at.
Reply:Ok-ish. The best that I like is the last one.
Reply:you're just great. :)

you can visit mine:

A foursome of Haiku for someone special. How do you like them.?

"the four seasons"

Summers wrath is heat

Teenage girls, heavenly treat

Night rescues the day

October loves me

Orange and rust colored leaves

Seasons are my lust

Winter goes too fast

Done before it even starts

Snow goes on it's way

Spring is fireworks

Reds and greens and daffodils,

Never go away.

A foursome of Haiku for someone special. How do you like them.?
I like. You might have to address the title since you used October instead of fall.
Reply:I like the 4 seasons. I felt and saw each season. I especially love Spring.
Reply:I like em.

You are talented.

Nice work:)
Reply:These are really good haikus, however if your 'someone special' is a girlfriend, then I don't think it says anything too profound. The haikus are just talking about seasons...
Reply:If this is for someone special, then I would recommend a different kind of poem, possibly a free verse. Also, if this is for someone special, then you should make it more about that person and less about the seasons. Yes, the seasons are beautiful, but the only "someone special" line was "Teenage girls, heavenly treat" in the first stanza. A free verse is a much better choice for a romantic poem to someone you care about.
Reply:i like it, it's really good :)
Reply:First two I like - I think because each has a a last line which is read it and start thinking, mm I wonder what that means?

But 'snow goes on its way', and 'never go a way' are banal statements, they lack that certain something.

(I do like the line Reds and greens and daffodils though.
Reply:Well, since I didn't see anywhere on there that they were for a special "girlfriend"...they may be for a male friend, or even just a female friend who likes the seasons. Every poem doesn't have to be for a girl/boy friend. So now that I am on everyone's thumbs down list. Good haiku's Steve. I hope your "special" friend enjoys them, I did. Thank you.
Reply:its not really basho is it?

it also, and i dont want to sound like a tourist, doesn't make that much sense.

Of course, the intended recipient may feel differently.

There may be lots of referances to things you have said to eachother in there, that i cannot see.

anyways, i do really like the "night rescues day" line. So resonant of a balmy summer night after the cruel heat of the day.

but thats about it.
Reply:it isn't that good. in fact they might take offense to teenage girls heavenly treat.
Reply:im impressed! (:

but if this was supposed to be for a lover, ("someone special") this wouldn't be very appropriate...

"teenage girls, heavenly treat"

and "seasons are my lust"

are kind of ominous lines....

Groundcovers and bulbs?

This is probably a very stupid question, but I'm really "green" when it comes to gardening.

I would like to plant groundcovers in the bald spots in my flower beds, but I know that there are spring bulbs like daffodils, crocuses and snowdrop bulbs in the earth there. If I plant a groundcover there, will the bulbs be able to poke out in the spring ? Or will they get stifled ?

Maybe this depends upon the exact kind of groundcover I use...

if so, then please tell me what I should chose.

I was thinking of Snow-in-summer

Thanks in advance !

Groundcovers and bulbs?
You should be just fine. You can even layer bulbs and they still find a way to emerge even when there is a bulb on top of them. Ground cover like Vinca is very shallow rooted and would not interfere in your bulbs emerging at all. However, Vinca is invasive and will eventually end up where you don't want it and will become a nuisance. Choose your ground cover carefully.

Good luck
Reply:Don't worry. I've got bulbs coming up through Vinca %26amp; English Ivy.

Can you write a story or poem with these included?

Silvery clouds

Crimson kisses

Purple stars

Yellow daffodils

White heat

Extra credit for other colorful additions!!!

Can you write a story or poem with these included?

Silvery clouds were passing by

Racing through a midnight sky

When a maiden chanced to come his way

From whence she came, he could not say

'Twas in moon's light their eyes did meet

In hers were fire; in his white heat

She turned away, his gaze she spurned

But deep within his breast there burned

A flame unquenched, an aching there

He held her close, let down her hair

She railed against his clutching grasp

Then softened, still within his clasp

When lips did meet, a crimson kiss

If she had thought the night amiss

Her reticence was now undone

The world upon her senses spun

Cathedral forests filled with spires

It seemed the purple stars conspired

To bring them here upon this eve

And when they had to take their leave

Before the dawn could shed its light

He wondered if perhaps he might

Have dreamed it all; was love in vain?

He never saw her face again.

When he returned, he found the hills

Covered in yellow daffodils

To mock his memory of that night

When silvery clouds played in moonlight.
Reply:? Bravo, Rikki. Report It
Reply:The BLUE moon rises up above,

Amidst a thousand PURPLE stars.

I was dreaming of you, my love,

Once, before my sad heart wore scars.

I had covered your face and hands

With hundreds of CRIMSON kisses.

I was transported to GREEN lands

On GOLDEN words, with no misses.

WHITE heat redoubled your caress.

My skin was PINK and flushed, like now.

Love for ever, we did profess.

We spoke again our marriage vow.

But then, SILVERY clouds appeared,

And GRAYED all of my waking days.

And all I had ever revered

Disappeared within a thick haze.

No YELLOW daffodils, no roses,

No RED robin songs to greet me.

But, despair that none supposes,

And drowning as in the deep sea.

The BLUE moon rises up above,

Amidst a thousand PURPLE stars.

C. :)
Reply:pick hildur.o ....
Reply:they could feel the silvery clouds

hover, heavy, where they lay

spreading crimson kisses all over the ground

purple stars and yellow daffodils

lemon balm and willow seeds

sticking to their arms and legs

caught in the summer's plain white heat
Reply:Silva's Dream

Silva was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. She had worked a 12 hour shift at the hospital and was completely exhausted. Almost immediately her eyelids began to flutter....Silva was entering a dream-state.

Silvery clouds lifted her off the ground and transported her through the bluest skies she had ever seen.Silva smiled lazily as she dipped her hand in fluffy while clouds.

She soon felt herself descending. As she stepped from the cloud to a path lined with Yellow daffodils, the fresh,fresh air seemed to envelope her. It brought her a feeling of deep contentment .The stresses and sorrows she had been feeling soon gave way to a peace she had never known.

Purple stars darted across the sky as another cloud landed nearby. Someone was approaching her. She felt a calmness....and then....White heat danced up and down her spine. Crimson kisses covered her soul. Silva felt something beyond happiness.....It was ectasy.

Silva declined to awaken from said dream the following morning. I heard from her doctor that she is STILL sleeping soundly. And the thing is....She has the most beautiful smile on her face that just WON'T go away.
Reply:He closed his eyes..

White heat

Silvery clouds dance

They prance through his ills

Like Yellow daffodils

His pain he bars

From his mind with purple stars

Reminding him of the one he misses

Who pampered him with crimson kisses..
Reply:Crimson kisses on my face

with white heat flashing through my veins.

I wished upon the purple stars

to save me one day from these scars

for the silvery clouds that line my day

will not return to my dismay.

and the life i choose is not my own

but i will learn and choose not to run.

yellow daffodils upon my shores

wilt so slowly to nothing more

teach me a lesson! I cry to them

but as they should, they stand silent.
Reply:Her head did fall 'pon silvery clouds

while purple stars did wonder

where she'd come from, her orange crowds

and bluish scalps from under

a darkish freckle, green auburn hair

a box of dark blond dye

I felt you then, I feel you Now

I'll love you til I dye.

choose hiking boots

Where could i go for a walk today in yorkshire to see lots of daffodils?

I seem to remember that there are a lot on the Fountains Abbey / Studley Royal estate near Ripon run by the National Trust.

Its a beautiful place, with or without daffs.

******** How did that walk go today Rufus ? *************

Where could i go for a walk today in yorkshire to see lots of daffodils?
Public parks would be the best place.
Reply:Anyone going for a walk anywhere in Yorkshire today is asking for trouble, the weather is wild, windy, snowy and sunny...extremely changeable and I have just come home from the sailing club (not on the water) where the wind chill factor was up to minus 18
Reply:"Daffodils" (1804)

I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretch'd in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

By William Wordsworth (1770-1850).

Tulips and daffodils?

This is my lst year growing I cut them down in the fall or do I leave them alone?

Tulips and daffodils?
Do not cut them down. You can cut the flowers to bring indoors but the leaves provide food for the bulb so it can bloom next year.
Reply:I've always cut mine back after the first frost. They do fine!
Reply:You don't need to do anything with them. They should come back next spring. Every three years, you should dig up the bulbs and divide them. Also add bone meal.

Yellow Bedroom?

I recently painted my bedroom a pastel yellow, the swatch was called "pale daffodil". But now, I have no idea what color comforter/duvet to buy to match my new walls! Please, any suggestions or ideas would help! Thanks!

Yellow Bedroom?
I absolutely love blue with yellow. Blue and white toile would look wonderful. I saw a bedroom at a home show that used that theme in a young girl's room. Simply lovely. The curtains were blue and white ticking stripe, and the bedspreads (2 twins) were covered in blue and white toile spreads. But really, lots of colors look good with pale yellow. For example, all shades of brown and taupe, different shades of green, all shades of blue, including navy, and even black and white. Pale yellow is truly a neutral, so you're almost unlimited. Good choice!
Reply:Everything goes with yellow. You name your color, it's going to look good. If you plan a solid comforter don't choose brown. If you plan a print/plaid/check/design with yellow in it, you'll see, for instance, how good red looks with yellow, which is a surprise.

Do anything but solid brown for a comforter/duvet, and you'll be pleased.
Reply:If you have a picture or any art work that you plan to hang take a good look at that and pull the colors that you really like to create a color scheme. You should have at least three colors going on in the room. You can pick all your colors using a picture that you really love. Once you hang or pick a picture it will be easier to see which colors really look good with your walls.

This one might look good.

Or this?

I love this one because it adds purple and greens to your color scheme:

Another pretty one but don't know if the yellow is right:

Since I don't know how old you are I chose a few for young and a few for older. The last one is my favorite.
Reply:All of these will go in a yellow bedroom. Good luck!

Help with assignment please?

I need to list requirements for growth of a daffodil including water, nutrients carbon dioxide, oxygen, light and temperature. Just need to see if you all come up with anything that i've missed. Not being lazy, honestly. x Thanks.

Help with assignment please?
The sites given below will definitely provide you with plenty of information. Kindly just click on them one by one and proceed.






I hope this will serve your purpose.
Reply:potasium magnesium
Reply:Daffodils being water plants would require more nitrogen and mineral salts from the watery (marshy) locales they grow. Marshy localities usually have less nitrogen. Some places may lack phosphorus and/or potassium. And trace elements too. Otherwise what you have listed is adequate.
Reply:When God was handing out brains, you must have been holding the door.

Do your own homework and learn something!
Reply:Symbiotic mycorrhizal partners, gravitational field for geotropic responses, varying photoperiod, thermal induction, the list is potentially endless.
Reply:I think you have covered everything


Something as eaten my daffodils?

can someone tell me if anything as eaten my daffodils as it

looks like thay have been and its happend just before the

flower came out thanks

Something as eaten my daffodils?
I've had alot eaten this spring, by slugs. They didn't get a hard winter to thin their numbers, and the mild weather has them out earlier than normal. They've eaten alot of my buds, before they opened up.

Look for telltale marks from the offenders - slugs leave a shiny slime trail, that can last for a few days. Otherwise, it could be insects, or larger animals, such as mammals.

Good luck! Rob
Reply:to prevent ant creature form eating them in the future ,just sprinkle Cayenne/ hot pepper seasoning ,around the planting.

once the animails tatse that , they won't be back.
Reply:It was me ,I'm sorry you found my secret shame, spank me
Reply:Nature's hooligans....snails. The bug gers just got all my rock melon seedlings.
Reply:Either an insect or rabbits.
Reply:Any large hoofed animal, like the Donkey who lives next door to my friend however fluffy little bunnies (good eating) could be public enemy No1 in your case. Prepare a pie dish with some nice veg then get the little buggers.
Reply:sorry, i was really hungary. and nothing beats fresh daffodils!! little mustard on them... mmm mmm!! good eats!
Reply:Squirrels are the culprit.
Reply:rabbits or slugs
Reply:a very common question ,everybody loves daffodills

horses ,racoons,squirrels,deer,rabbits,rats ,cows and so on

what lives near you that is included
Reply:Possibly rabbits, moles, or deer.

Did you have a hard freeze after the bloom formed? If you did, this may have caused the bloom to drop off.

For those of us that remember seasons?

When i was a around aboutbthe 70's....summer was summer...winter was winter .; i have daffodils growing through the snow;.....i have a sunny day today in march yet last march was full of snow. Do seasons exist any more?

For those of us that remember seasons?
A LOT of us wish to know the answer to this question! I, too, remember the "seasons" in the 60s and the 70s. Yes - we have had a marked "reversal" of so many of the so-called normal seasons - it cannot be just by pure coincidence! Global Warming is certainly a big suspect these days. Who knows-? General air pollution, Global Warming, El Ninio effects, changes in the jet stream, etc. -- There can be many possible explanations. I just HOPE that the real cause(s) are discovered, and of course that SOMETHING can be done, before it is too late-!!
Reply:we have seasons????

Reply:globall warming i guess
Reply:March is a month of huge temperature swings over a large part of the country. It is not uncommon at all to have 70 degree weather and then a foot of snow 24 hours later.

too blame this on global warming is a bit extreme. It has always happened this way.

take for example the record highsand Lows in Chicago for a few of the upcoming days

March 16-78 degrees in 1945 and -1 in 1900 (average is 46 and 29)

March 17-74 degrees in 1894, -1 in 1900 (average is 47 and 29)

March 18, 74 degrees in 1969 and 3 in 1921

march 19, 78 degrees in 1921 and 0 in 1923

March 23, 80 degrees in 1907and 9 in 1940
Reply:Yeah they still exist but are now affected by global warming so everything is out of sync. I suppose nature will eventually sort itself out and go back in sync. It may take another ice age and so many years but it will sort itself out eventually.
Reply:global warming
Reply:Yes there is no question about global warming causing varieties of weather - just what factors are causing it. Also the memories of childhood are inaccurate. I remember the 60's as being really hot yet my memories of the 70's are of rain and cool. I guess it depends on where you live and what age you are.
Reply:No not really. When I was young ,a long time before you, the seasons were clearly defined. When it was summer it was hot, winter was cold, not like it is now slightly chilly. We had winters like those of 1947 and 1963 which were very hard and went on for weeks with heavy snow most days. The country did not grind to a halt and the old steam trains had no problems getting through.Global warming is a con. We had coal fires and had done so for hundreds of years.
Reply:Yes but they are messed up.
Reply:Yes I fully understand your question, GLOBAL WARMING destroying our OZONE, is the reason for all of this going on in the world of weather today

Need help for saying different types of flowers in italian?

How do you say the following in italian:







Need help for saying different types of flowers in italian?
roses = rose (singular: rosa)

tulips = tulipani (singular: tulipano)

daffodils = giunchiglie (singular: giunchiglia)

sunflowers = girasoli (singular: girasole)

carnations = garofani (singular: garofano)

daisies = margherite (singular: margherita)
Reply:Go onto Googe, type "english to spainish translater" and find one that works.

Daffodils toxic to other flowers?

Some plants very cleverly can inhibit other plants around them from flourishing or growing too closely, including some ferns, black walnuts etc that do this. However, I've not known of daffodils inhibiting other plants, or being toxic to them. Allelopathy is the name given to this growth inhibition of other plants.

I've also not known of problems when they are used as cut flowers, in mixed vases etc, although their thick sap may exude into cut flower water, and help it to get contaminated - although this would contaiminate the water in the vase for their own use too.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob

Daffodils toxic to other flowers?
No. Daffodils are often used in 3-season plantings.
Reply:Nope... not at all... but they are toxic to mammals...
Reply:No. Toxic to dogs and people, but not other flowers.
Reply:no, they are used in annual planting beds everywhere.
Reply:Do not mix daffodils and tulips together in a vase as fresh cut flowers. Daffodils are toxic to tulips, I'm not sure about other flowers.

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Is this a good name for my son?

I'd like to call my soon-to-be-born son 'Lord Amusing Daffodil Pubis'. That would be his first name which I would, of course, insist be used in full at all times. What do you think of that as a name? Opinions please.

Is this a good name for my son? should probably speak with the potential mother first, she'd probably just find some way involving a tarp and duct tape to get you out of the picture first. good luck with your imaginary family
Reply:to long
Reply:No-chance mate, its too long, and could you think of his mates in years to come calling him that name in school.

He would HATE IT, be simple, pick a name that suits, and that is NOT SO BLO--Y LONG WINDED...


Reply:I like Daffodil. Not so keen on the others. lol :-)
Reply:such a beautiful and original name.

you've made a good choice.
Reply:Sorry but I do not like it.. Whatever happened to simple names? You should think about what your son is going to go through with other children..
Reply:Well Dicky! I can say from personal experience it would probably be the making of him
Reply:Nice joke you don't really think that people are going to say that all of the time. Sorry but I think you should try a shorter name you don't want the child to be teased all his life do you!!
Reply:bad choice
Reply:What have you been smoking/ingesting/sniffing? This is obviously a huge joke. RIGHT?????
Reply:yes it is great (if you want him to be bullied all his life)
Reply:Its Rather Unusaul LOL
Reply:just shorten it to lad.....
Reply:i like it, but i'd hate to be in a queue behind him as he writes a cheque.
Reply:You'd be better off naming your boy Sue.
Reply:ummm.... that is going to be alot to write on his first day of school :) YIKES!
Reply:You are joking?????????
Reply:Any middle names?
Reply:umm i rilly think ur kidding this kid of urs.. wow i feel bad for him... umm howabout something simple like alex or daniel or david or shane or ryan cos man!, lord amusing whatever is way to long and the poor kid will get made fun of, shorten it at least
Reply:Umm lovely. I wish I had thought of that one.
Reply:do you want your child to fall victim to bully's
Reply:you have got to be joking, what a silly name and a mouthful for a child.

Daffodils and Tulips...?

I planted daffodil and tulip bulbs in my yard this march after danger of frost. They seemed to be coming up just fine but I noticed my tulips are not showing much in the way of stems yet, only leaves... my daffodils were flowering wonderfully but then the blooms quickly started dying off one by one. The stems still seem really healthy. All my other plants and flowers seem fine. What do you think happened? Or what do you think should be done?

Daffodils and Tulips...?
Additionally, daffodils don't tend to last long although they're wonderful while they're blooming. Tulips -- there might be a few late ones still although yours may not bloom this year as mentioned by the other answerers. When fall comes, plant some more bulbs if you wish -- that's the normal time to plant spring-blooming bulbs.

Below is a site or three that might further help you. Good luck!
Reply:Bulbs should be planted in the Fall in order to come up in the Spring. Daffodils sometimes do flower after being planted in the Spring but they don't last for more then a few weeks regardless.
Reply:When tulips come up, all you see is the leave, the stems appear as the tulips grow. Tulips need the freeze to come up so since you planted in March, you may not have any flowers this year. Leave them in the ground and see what happens next year.

Leave your daffodils in the ground too, you planted them late this year. The bulbs multiply by themselves so you should have a healthy and abundant crop next spring.
Reply:they won't bloom this year, it's too late in the season for these plants! although make sure u leave the growth on em now alone cuz it'll make for better blooms next year!
Reply:Being this close to June you should have been done with these bulbs weeks ago. If they seem lackluster, one common problem is that people often fail to dig a hole any larger than the bulb--forcing the bulb to burrow through the sometimes hard soil to get nutrition. It's always better to make a larger hole with softer dirt. The soil might also be unusually poor. You can fertilize with Miracle-Gro, and wait until next year, or dig them up again and plant when recommended in your area.

Do you all need help in being THERAPYIZED?

do you all have dire lustings and deliscious cravings and wanton of the flesh and bubblings of sin..babboon mutterings and lemon frumptious candy floss of kaleidoscopic mayhem in a marine tourquise boat of same name.

i see you all are very far gone in sanity, i only hope i can save the bolts of fur which bind you together in a frenzy of technicoloured bliss and porcupinian absolution.

Do not delay, however, because mental quiverations in head can erupt to reveal gargantuan scrotums of joyful jazz and then the daffodils will lift violins and join the bed shavings in the almighty TRIUMPHANT Entry of the Feeble Numb-Squib- Baker Girls who lash with rancid tongue the belting notes of the elegant chimp who plumps bosooms and fixes wig to last....his earinged ears, rouged cheeks and bandi-legged high heeled clubs of feet, ready to trip the soho light fantastic .....and rest in joyous mesmirisms of slumber in quoidal Central Park, between a Yank lunch break..........


Do you all need help in being THERAPYIZED?
Reply:Wow is about right. Where did all that come from? therapyized? O.K. You've had your fun! But I've never really heard of that word!!
Reply:finally lose your virginity did ya?
Reply:very good.
Reply:Uh...I thought LSD was dead.
Reply:Kid, it's almost time for school to begin, thank goodness. You sound as though you are bored and crazy.
Reply:sounds a lot more fun than wot im doing right now!
Reply:If you were a woman, I'd ask you for a date! hahaha late for me.......
Reply:Well sounds like you got me in one.I'm sure we all need to be therapyized on here at some point.

Would any one Explain the stanza of the poem?

FAIR daffodils, we weep to see

You haste away so soon

As yet the early-rising sun

Has not attain'd his noon.

Stay, stay

Would any one Explain the stanza of the poem?
what's this poem called and who wrote it? why do i get the feeling it has nothing to do w/ daffodils? the way i see it, and ugh, i hate poetry!!! but everyone interprets stuff differently b/c everyone's life experience is somewhat different, i said, what it means to me is%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

youth fades far too quickly

then again, it could very well be about the daffodils themselves. in which case, the author is trying to say%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

it's sad to see the daffodils go so fast

stay a while longer/linger

eh, who knows, shrug
Reply:It might mean that the daffodils fade away, or close up before the sun reaches its full height at noon. the authors saying that he wishes the flowers would stay in bloom longer during the day.

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Daffodils or daisies?

Which do you like more?

Daffodils or daisies?
Reply:in the garden I vote them equal.daffys cause it's SPRING and daisys cause they last so long.

Cut flowers daisies get the nod(no pun intended ) they last longer
Reply:Daisy is the most romantic..waw,i love it :)
Reply:Daisies because they have cute little petals. Remember how we said, "He loves me, he loves me not?" They are such happy little flowers!
Reply:Calla lillies are my fav but if I had to choose between those two...I would pick daisies, they seem friendly,I think I heard that in the movie, when harry met sally!!! lol
Reply:Daffodils, as garden flowers, not as cut flowers because they don't last.

I hate daisys in the garden, because they have over growing leaves, but they are very nice as cut flowers.
Reply:Daffodils, they signal the onset of spring.............

...........and of course Daisies, they can take the blistering heat of summer! ;-)

Chosing a favorite flower would be like chosing your favorite child! You love them all, but in different ways for different characteristics!
Reply:I myself used to like daisies but during the time I lived in Australia, I became to fall in love with daffodils - a fantastic kind of flowers in spring in Mel. countryside...
Reply:i like daffodils better..........
Reply:Dasies-much cuter.
Reply:Daffodils. They don't have the same pungent odor most daisies emit and don't leave as much of mess when they die back.
Reply:Daffodils, they always let me know that Spring has arrived! They're just a happy flower to me.

Oh my god im going mad >?

i have been taking to plants , daffodils seem to responed best am i going mad ??

Oh my god im going mad %26gt;?
nope thats perfectly normal
Reply:two cows in a field.

1st cow. "what do you think of this mad cow`s disease"?

2nd cow. "i dont know anything about it i`m a tractor".....
Reply:No you are not. Just think about it. Everyone thing and everyone like recognition. The little guys appreciate it.
Reply:they like it lol
Reply:No you are not going mad try playing them some music they love classical
Reply:You are not going mad, you are just going daffy
Reply:yes the men in white coats are on the way...:)
Reply:no daffodils at this time of year. yes you must be talking to plastic ones haha
Reply:yes! and you are mr muscle!!!!!
Reply:Don't worry chuck. Sometimes it's the best conversation you can have for a whole day. And they're not exactly going to say "shut up", are they?

On a slightly less frivolous note, there are some studies out there that suggest that plants do very well indeed thanks, when they receive a little extra time from their keepers. Maybe you're an elf. No bad thing.
Reply:whos got a secret crush then ....sussed
Reply:If you are you're in good company-according to the media Prince Charles does it too.
Reply:I seem to recall that in an article I read, that its something within our lungs that the plants seem to benefit from, but quite what I cannot remember, so you can sing to them, you can say what you want to them, they will still strive well for it, hey even Prince Charles talks to his plants, so you are in good company eh.
Reply:No, that is perfectly normal.
Reply:No no no NO...i am aswell then if you are lol!! I just popped out to give my daffys a night time story(they like goldilocks and the three bears best...but it spooks them a bit)
Reply:ok...if your going mad then so am i i talk to my cat,dogs,my pillow,flowers,myself all the time,the tv,and other things.....but just so you know neither of us are's normal to do these things....
Reply:ok... i talk to my flowers that i grow yep there my friends!!!

Pink daffodils?

I have a friend who bought pink daffodils, but they only came up pink the first year that she had them. I was wondering if there is something that she can add to the soil to help the pink color come back.


Pink daffodils?
Hmm - they may want more sun or less sun. Alternately, she can divide them and give acid-based fertilizer to one group and some lime for the other. Another factor could be aluminum, which changes the color for hydrangeas. If they were pink because they starved them for something that is normally found in the soil, you will not be able to replicate that. But I would also ask brent and becky's bulbs below if they have heard of this - they know bulbs so they might know what the problem is.

I have crazy daffodils growing?

is it right to have crazy shaped daffodils growing in my garden

I have crazy daffodils growing?
Crazy shaped? Like how? I mean, sure it's right if they are meant to be that way. There are some pretty different daffies out there. Or you just may be daffy yourself. Sometimes flowers will turn out strange if the bulbs are being eating by bugs or if you did not clip the flowers off after blooming last season. The bulbs put all the energy into trying to make seeds rather than storing energy for flowers the next season. Seriously, if it's different, I'll put it in my garden on purpose. Like the green daffodils. Those are cool. And the summer blooming double narcissus, which are in the daffodil family. Actually, daffodils are in the narcissus family, but who cares?
Reply:what ever .lol
Reply:They are a bulbed perennial which means they mulitply every year. If you want to cut them back just dig up deep enough to move the little white bulbs that will be everywhere. Dead or alive they will be there.

Put some in a pot and give them to your mother or neighbor. They move well. Also they grow towards the sun and close at night, that is why they change directions frequently.
Reply:lucky you
Reply:Are you eating mushrooms at all? Is your house built over an old landfill?
Reply:There are some plants in my garden that have a tall orange stem, about the height of a man, and what I can only describe as "leg" shaped roots.

The funny thing is that yesterday they were on the right side, now they are on the left, much nearer the back door than ther were yesterday.

And I occasionally hear this strange knocking noise.

And you're worried about your daffs!
Reply:ooooh be wary of crazy daffodils! they start corrupting all the other flowers!
Reply:Try a good fertilizer. Sounds like they may be missing something in their little bulb diets. Or dig them up and plant fresh bulbs. If they are crazy looking I'd keep them, though. Not everyone has uniquely shaped flowers!
Reply:Daffodils usually show a couple of inches growth now-just poking through the soil.One possible cause of mis-shapen growth is spray drifting from weedkiller,if used nearby.

Another reason might be a virus affecting the bulbs,or if they've been in the same spot for a long time,the clump should be lifted in the spring and split into seperate bulbs.
Reply:i wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o'er vale and hill .. when all at once i saw a shrowd! A host of golden daffodils. Beside the lake beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze!

No i don't really think that's normal.

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What is the name of the food that a plant makes???

help im stuck on homework cause im like thick and i need some help lolz!

Also what is the name of the food stored in a daffodil

What is the name of the food that a plant makes???
Plants produce glucose then change it and store it as starch.
Reply:Plants produce Glucose through photosyntheseis from carbon dioxide and water with light being the catalyst.
Reply:plants produce glucose through photosynthesis.

Flowers and weeds?

In my front garden by the front window. I have a small border which have daffodil bulbs but also i've weeds growing their as well. I keep pulling them up from the roots but they keep coming back. How can i get rid of them without using weed killer.

Flowers and weeds?
it depends how you want the border to look, if you just want the daffodils pull out the weeds then put down a good layer of bark chip which will stop the weeds growing back

have you considered planting some ground cover?

you could plant some lavender bushes, they look fantastic , smell lovely and as they are dense will prevent weeds from growing when the bushes are established.

good luck!
Reply:put down weed blanket cut out holes where the plants are then cover with bark/gravel

after a while with no light the weeds will die off
Reply:Use 2-4-D weed killer and dab on each weed and it will killl roots and all. Use a paint brush or something so you don't get it on the flowers.
Reply:Unfortuanly i think the only way to get rid of them will be with weed killer. You may be better to remove your daffodils, use weedkiller to kill of any weeds then replant you daffodils. this will ensure you do not kill your daffodils.
Reply:Once the bulbs are up, weed the bed then apply a mulch of wood bark or gravel (depending what looks best in your garden). This acts the same way as the weed blanket, but looks nicer. If you use bark it will also gradually rot down and improve the soil.
Reply:You need to continue pulling them up, but try to do it before they flower and seed as they disperse their seeds into the earth and grow again - so while you are pulling up the main plant, the seeds will be germinating unseen in your border.

Also, try to ensure that, when you dig up the weeds, you take up the whole of the root sysem at the same time - with many weeds, just a tiny piece of root left in the soil will continue to grow and develop more weeds.

It would help if you could hoe around your garden plants, turning over the soil so that any weed seedlings are raised to the surface and exposed to the elements - the majority will dry up and die.

If you live near to a garden or area where the weeds are allowed to grow freely, you are up against it, as the wind carries the seeds into your and other gardens, so there will always be weeds to tackle - a constant pain to every gardener.

But it gets you into the fresh air and helps keep you flexible, so it's not all bad.
Reply:I think it will be very difficult without weed killer but you could try bark and gravel.Perhaps try all other things and weed killer only as a last resort.

Can you help with a poem, I cant remenber it all?

The poem starts - January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow. February brings the rain to thaw the frozen lakes again. March brings winds sharp and shrill to shake the dancing daffodil...... then I cant remember - PLEASE can you help??????????

Can you help with a poem, I cant remenber it all?
January brings the snow,

Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain,

Thaws the frozen lake again.

March brings breezes sharp and shrill,

Shakes the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,

Scatters daisies at our feet.

May brings flocks of pretty lambs,

Skipping by their fleecy dams.

June brings tulips, lillies, roses,

Fills the children's hands with posies.

Hot July brings cooling showers,

Apricots and gillyflowers.

August brings the sheaves of corn,

Then the harvest home is borne.

Warm September brings the fruit,

Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Brown October brings the pheasant,

Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast,

Then the leaves go whirling past.

Chill December brings the sleet,

Blazing fire and Christmas treat.
Reply:It is called

The Months, by Sarah Coleridge

Cutting Daffodils?

My Daffodils have finished blooming and Im left with the green stalk like stems and leaves. Can I cut them down to the ground and cover them with mulch for a clean look or should I leave them and let them wither down?


Cutting Daffodils?
Leave them to dry on their own. If you cut them back now, you'll be taking away what they use to store nutrients for the next growing season. The bulb family uses the rest of the green part of the plant to produce nutrient's that are needed to bloom next season.That is stored in the bulb part .Cutting back now will only insure no blooms. Leave them there ,until they are good and crispy,than you can cut away the dead part. You can tie them up,to get them looking a little neater,but don't cut them off yet.
Reply:You can cut the main stem, where the flower was. But you should leave the leaves - they will provide energy and 'recharge' the bulb for a beautiful flower next year.
Reply:Leave them until the leaves have turned brown. IThen cut them. They use the leaves to get nutrients, so if you cut them now, they probably won't bloom next year
Reply:you can go either way. The daffodils will grow the leaves back out and the stalks will just shrivel up, or you could leave them as they arfe and let the stalks die on their own.
Reply:let them wither down then mulch them

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I would like to plant bulbs for the first time... advice?

i am moving into my first home at the END of October, and would like to plant some daffodils/ hyancinths/ tulips in my front yard... Is november too late to plant? I live in Vancouver, BC, so the weather is usually still just rainy then...

I would like to plant bulbs for the first time... advice?
November, too late in Vancouver?

You are either in balmy USDA hardiness zone 7 or 8 (when I say balmy... I mean it in a jealous petty way, I'm in cold-cold zone 5).

I'm absolutely sure you'd be okay for planting bulbs in November. Bulb selection might not be so good at that time, so buy now and hold on to them til then. Store them in a cool dry place til your ready to plant. Follow the directions for planting the bulbs on the package. Use a bulb fertilizer when planting as well.

No problem... enjoy the bulb flowers this spring!

I hope that this helps
Reply:They should be ok. Just be sure you plant them really deep or they will only come up one year then freeze out the next. Happened to me. Good luck!
Reply:November will be a bit late, but couldn't hurt to try.

They should be planted with their tips pointed up and no deeper than three times the bulb's diameter. If you're not sure which end of the bulb is up, plant it on its side and it will find its way up.

The soil should be well drained to prevent rot. If your soil is clay or sand, an easy way to amend it is by adding some compost or peat moss. This will improve drainage.

Or, you might consider planting them in containers.
Reply:No, go for it, plant them deep if you expect bad weather. Tulips are best, it may be a bit late for the others.
Reply:check for info.
Reply:Your bulbs will be OK, especially if you add plenty of compost into their planting bed to get their roots growing quickly.

Here's a zone map %26amp; info on planting bulbs:

Spring blooming bulbs should be rooted before the ground freezes.

Water the bulbs following planting. This will help settle the soil in the planting bed plus provide needed moisture for the bulbs to start rooting. If you have enough rain, avoid over-watering since this can result in bulb rot.

Good luck. Hope this helps.

Can u replant Daffodils?

i was wondering if it is ok to dig up wild Daffodils and replant them? also will they still have there flowers if i do so? will they come back every year? any info would help thanks

Can u replant Daffodils?
Daffodils -

Grow from bulbs -

They 'come back' every year, on their own.

They should be dug up, and spread out, every few years, or they may not bloom. Wait until the green shoots die back on their own (usually by early summer), then cut them back, or dig them up, for spacing. If you disturb the green growth too soon, there will be no flowers for a couple of years - the green growth needs full sun to store energy, in the bulbs, for the next year's growth.

Good luck -
Reply:Yes, daffodils grow by root bulbs and only bloom once a year for a week. They'll bloom again next year and each bulb will make an extra bulb and more flowers every year. :-)
Reply:Actually, Yes they are. I tried it once and I still have it. Just make sure to water it regulary. I hope that this helps:)
Reply:yes! you can! I used to do this every spring with my mom and gave the plants to a family that we thought deserved them, and every family is still to the day getting yearly daffodils.
Reply:Depends on where you live. They need a cold winter to tell them when to bloom in Spring.
Reply:yes you can but you should wait till fall to do it.....good luck
Reply:Yes you can,and they will come up each year until bulbs are old and worn out
Reply:Yes they are a bulb,you can dig them up,replant them and they will keep coming back every year
Reply:hope this can answer it for i ,i think you can but this will tell how and when good luck

What do i do for girlfriend for valentines day?

(i'm using my sisters name on yahoo)

i'm 17 years old, i've been doing out with my girlfriend for 3 months and i'm going to suprise her at her friends house today with her favorite flowers (daffodils) but i'm not sure what else i can do. she's mad at me from yesterday, but I did it on purpose so the shock of today wih flowers etc. would make it that much better!

what can I do besides show up with flowers today? any suggestions welcome

What do i do for girlfriend for valentines day?
i know what your going threw right now!!!! me to she mad at me ...from yesterday...that's what I'm about to do..surprise her with flowers..candy, teddy bear...edible

and glass high heels so she can be my stripper tonight...lmao...right on the or coffee "let's get it" sexy and some red and white...candles burning in the me!!! night to remeber...oh don't forget the wine...i usly get the cheap it kick's in
Reply:get her a better nah im just kidding...what you should do is take her to a cafe or Lounge and talk about what you guys been thru for the past 3 months...."Memory is key in a serious relationship"
Reply:u can do something interesting like cook for her:) or take her to some interesting place where u can be apologize!
Reply:What's her favorite type of chocolate/candy?

Chocolates or caramels would be good.

Maybe a small cute little stuffed animal or something???

Is there irony in this poem?

Fair Daffodils, we weep to see

You haste away so soon;

As yet the early-rising sun

Has not attain'd his noon.

Stay, stay,

Until the hasting day

Has run

But to the even-song;

And, having pray'd together, we

Will go with you along.

We have short time to stay, as you,

We have as short a spring;

As quick a growth to meet decay,

As you, or anything.

We die

As your hours do, and dry


Like to the summer's rain;

Or as the pearls of morning's dew,

Ne'er to be found again.

Is there irony in this poem?
Not in the classical sense, no. I suppose if you look long enough for an interpretation that takes the human life and compares it to that of the flower, and extrapolates some sardonic twist to use requesting that that flower abide whilst we also die, yadda's a stretch. Sorry, I don't think this poem is ironic.
Reply:irony is hard-honestly. i can't find any irony in it, sorry.

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Are daffodils self-unfruitful?

I searched Google, and I've read a lot of comments people made about daffodils. People like to cross-pollinate daffodils, but I am wondering is it possible for one daffodil flower to self-pollinate? Is it self-unfruitful?

Are daffodils self-unfruitful?
Some of the wild species are. Most you see are cultivars, and I don't think they are self-pollinating.

And it's a moot point anyway, because if you want more of the SAME daffodil, it's by FAR faster to just let it reproduce through the multiplying of the bulbs. And then you get clones - you know what kind of flower the new bulblet will produce. I doubt anyone would bother even seeing if cultivars are self-pollinating. A waste of time, since there's a far far better and faster and more reliable way to make more daffodils.

If you want to make new, different daffodils, they have to be carefully cross-pollinated to produce new species. Then you have to wait a gazillion years (okay, more like twelve) before the resulting seed grows big enough to form a bulb, and then a flower, to even know what the heck you just spent 12 years growing. Breeders will oten toss the majority of what they produce...keeping only the "good" ones, which are few and far between.
Reply:I never have been able to.

Can u give me the interpretation of 'Daffodils', by Wordsworth?

Wordsworth enjoyed yellow flowers.

Can u give me the interpretation of 'Daffodils', by Wordsworth?
Wordsworth's 'daffodils'

Wordsworth s famous poem about daffodils was composed in 1804, two years after he saw the flowers walking by Ullswater on a stormy day with Dorothy.

His inspiration for the poem came from an account written by Dorothy. In her journal entry for 15th April 1802 she describes how the daffodils:

tossed and reeled and danced, and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind, that blew upon them over the lake;

Is anyone listening? This question is for senstive souls who will relate to the lyrics of this song:?

Don McLean - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night):

Starry, starry night.

Paint your palette blue and grey,

Look out on a summer's day,

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.

Shadows on the hills,

Sketch the trees and the daffodils,

Catch the breeze and the winter chills,

In colors on the snowy linen land.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they did not know how.

Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry, starry night.

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,

Swirling clouds in violet haze,

Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.

Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,

Weathered faces lined in pain,

Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they did not know how.

Perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you,

But still your love was true.

And when no hope was left in sight

On that starry, starry night,

You took your life, as lovers often do.

But I could have told you, Vincent,

This world was never meant for one

As beautiful as you.

Starry, starry night.

Portraits hung in empty halls,

Frameless head on nameless walls,

With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.

Like the strangers that you've met,

The ragged men in the ragged clothes,

The silver thorn of bloody rose,

Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they're not listening still.

Perhaps they never will...

Is anyone listening? This question is for senstive souls who will relate to the lyrics of this song:?
They never will listen. If they were the kind who were going to get you, they would have. So, now, what matters is for us to take our eccentric ways and shine them on the universe! "The world was never meant for one as beautiful as you" so make your own world!
Reply:Go to YouTube and open the version of this song by Gosh Groban that has the paintings by Vincent. Each line in the song is shown by one of his paintings. Great Song and version.
Reply:i can relate too, though im not depressed or anything, i have something Vincent doesn't. hope for a better dawn, because the fleeting moments in life make it worth it
Reply:I can absolutely relate, but I am not as tormented as Vincent, I know I will survive, I do not feel a need to end my life on my own.

Question about Violas?

I planted violas in some tubs in Autumn - on top of where I had planted daffodil and tulip bulbs. The violas have finished flowering now and I'm left with the leaves dangling over the edges of the containers. Do I pull these out, cut them back or just leave them to die back?

Question about Violas?
I'd leave some healthy green stems %26amp; cut back those that are too gangly. They are still growing %26amp; need some stems %26amp; leaves for growth. You can pull out the dried up ones.

This source says: "When it gets too hot, you can also try cutting them back to within a few inches of the ground; they may fill back out and begin blooming again in fall."

P.S. If you dead-head the flowers after they bloom, they will not go to seed %26amp; they can put their energy into new growth.

Good luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:You're welcome! Thanks for voting... I appreciate it:) Report It
Reply:Violas left in situ will set seed,trying to reproduce.It's hardly worthwhile keeping them in a container,they're fairly inexpensive so pull them out.


Blind daffodils this year, why??

I planted many daffodil bulbs in fall 2006 which bloomed nicely during spring 2007. This year, most of them are blind. I have read that too much water (some are in parts of my yard that can accumulate water if we have torrential rains) could be the problem. Any other thoughts?? Thanks.

Blind daffodils this year, why??
The first season after planting, bulbs rely on the energy and nutrition that is stored in the bulb. After that they rely on the gardener to give them supplemental feeding. You won't get any blooms this year, but I'd suggest you fertilize them this fall with a good time-release fertilizer and water it in well. You should end up with blooms next year.

Can we prove the colours i see are the colours you see ?

I mean, i have always been told from birth that yellow is the colour of a daffodil, but can i be sure that what i recognise as yellow others do not see as what i would call green?

Can we prove the colours i see are the colours you see ?
I've thought about that too. There's no way to prove one person's perception is the same as another person's. All we can prove is that we all call something red.

The chances are that, due to our anatomy being made up in pretty similar ways, we actually do see something similar but I can't think of any way to test it.

Perhaps a difference of perception is what triggers different people's likes and dislikes in colours.
Reply:My son is red/green colour blind, he can see colour, and I never knew until he was 18 and failed a colour blind test for the forces. We went through the whole what colour is this stuff and he said that he sees red and green, but as red and green are to him, it is difficult to try to explain to someone how you see colour. When I worked with someone who was blind and wanted to know what colur was like we used cold for shades of blue, red for hot and various degrees of heat and the smell of grass for green. seemed to work. doesn't answer your question I know, but suppose you could ask a number of people what they see as yellow and green and go for the average.
Reply:yes just ask the other person wat color is he seeing

ofcourse u two should have the same perceivings

now that applies for all u compare
Reply:there is no way, to prove it, i asked people this question, not on here tho, ages ago, they just ended up getting confused

the only thing that U can find out is if someone is colour blind, but U can not tell if what i see as green is the same as Ur green, it could be purple. if i see the sky as red, and i'm told the the sky is blue then everything i see as red i would call blue, as long as i saw every colour differently then no one would ever know
Reply:nope, i might see blue but it could be yellow to you. who knows.............
Reply:Perception of color is often subjective, which is why in science, colors are defined by their wavelengths, so there is an actual scientific standard for constitutes yellow versus green. Often scientists will use what is called a colorimeter to analyze substances, in order to eliminate the subjectivity of perception of color. It is also used by people who are colorblind.
Reply:go and see an optician your colour blind
Reply:There is no way to prove something like that because no one else can use your eyes or your brain except you.

but it doesn't matter because when I say that something is red you know that it won't look green to you.
Reply:Well sort of, we can prove what the colors should be, but different individuals could perceive them differently.
Reply:No, and this is a question that I have asked for years.

I think that there is now way to prove that the color green that I see is the same as the color green you see. It is all about how the brain interprets the reflection of the visible UV spectrum through the optic fibers inside of the eye. It is very subjective, and since we teach that each color has a name, there is no way to test the brain for differences in stimulation when different people are presented different colors.
Reply:Colour is the UK spelling.

I think you've picked one of the really funny questions that we all ask from time to time. Perhaps it isn't so daft when you consider that some men are colour blind. I don't know for certain that we see exactly the same colours, however, we must all see them in relation to each other in the same way.
Reply:easy way to solve this hold up a card that you think is yellow, show a number of people it and ask them what colour they think it they say blue just to pickle you're brain though...

ttfn ;o)

oh and make sure none of them are colour blind!
Reply:yes - however it would mean removing your eyes and measuring the colour receptor responses.

You could also use colour tests in which you are given a number of coloured blocks (i.e. different shades of yellow, to white) and you have to arrange them in order - the same would then be done for other colours...
Reply:I think you're right. We cannot be sure that others see or experience colors the same as we do.

As a matter of fact, I think everybody sees colors differently.

I believe that because I myself see a clear difference between my right and left eye. Especially the color red I see slightly but clearly different with one eye from the other.
Reply:I have always wondered that question,
Reply:yellow is yellow r u a colour blind
Reply:If everythings are yellow, I cannot recognise as yellow.

If everythings are white, I cannot recognise as well....
Reply:ahhh, the theory of other minds.

well, it has been troubling people for hundreds for years so good luck solving it.

luckily we have language to help us understand more
Reply:well i ive never thought a daffodil is green its yellow

is it the same as a banana lol

paint a daffodil and ask people what colour they see it will be yellow .

itkelsysop colour is uk way of spelling color
Reply:I may actually be seeing blue as yellow but as I have been taught that colour is blue it is not blue to me forever. What you may see that blue as is beyond me, however as you said, this colour stays constant and therefore that is now blue. So then I can ask what yellow is?
Reply:no, you can't prove it.

You can show a quantifiable measure of the wavelength of light (ie 600nm is 600nm), but individual interpretation of it may vary.

You could also conduct an experiment where subjects pick a color standard that they believe is identical to a test subject. From that you could derive the variation in perception between individuals to a standard.
Reply:Where are you from? I love the way you spell color. But, I have always wondered that same thing but when I ask other people they seem to think I'm crazy. But I don't think we see the same colors.
Reply:Scientifically, everyone has the same rods and cones in their eyes, which are used to detect color. (The only exception are people with disorders, such as people who are colorblind.) So why would we take in different wavelengths of light when our rods and cones are all the same? So, in other words, no, what you call yellow is what I call yellow, and so on.

books title a

We were out today and saw the first daffodils in bloom. Has anyone else seen any???

We live in south east England.

We were out today and saw the first daffodils in bloom. Has anyone else seen any???
I live in south east England too and saw my first daffodils in a cemetary in Wendover Bucks about 1 month ago. Saw some out in Kew Gardens 7 days ago and yesterday in Shamley Green Surrey
Reply:Mine are coming up but no blossoms yet. It looks like it will be another 3 or 4 weeks Eastern SC
Reply:I live on the Isle of wight, we have daffodiles popping up here and tulips as well....
Reply:Oh my, you must be having a nice warm spell where you are!

I'm getting cabin fever here...waiting for it to warm up for gardening. Hopefully it will stay relatively warm for you otherwise it might hurt the daffodils if there is another frost/freeze. Hopefully, who every has those Daffodils will cover them if there are very cold nights in the near future to avoid damage...on the other hand...if it stays warm, they'll be just fine :)
Reply:yes we got em up down in s wales
Reply:Nope..haven't seen any. Here in eastern US we won't until around March.

I'd love to see a daffodil is dreary cold and snowy outside!
Reply:I'm in suffolk and no I haven't noticed any yet.. but will keep an eye out now...goodness that's early isn't it?!
Reply:Loads of Snowdrops and the Bluebells are coming up in the woods but haven't seen any Daffs in bloom yet.

Oops, I'm in Cumbria.
Reply:I live in Sheffield, yorkshire, and I bought some with some tulips last week.
Reply:Not seen any in Nottingham yet. Plenty of snowdrops and my crocuses have come up.
Reply:Yes my daffodils have been coming up for the last 2 to 3 weeks I don't know why I even have some other plants that are trying to bud out. I am in the northwest ( Seattle WA) and it is cold we have been down as low as 16 the other night and our high today is 37. If I was a plant I thinkI would be waiting to come up.
Reply:You are so fortunate! I live in the midwest U.S.A. and there are no daffodils yet. Usually around mid March. I have spring fever so bad that I can hardly wait! Enjoy your daffodils and your spring!

Spring Poem, is it good, Will I get a good Grade?

Visions of spring time,

Paints a picture in my mind.

In fact so distinct,

That I can almost smell,

The sweetness,

Of the spring flowers,

That are beginning to grow.

As the cold winter breeze,

Progressively warms,

Now letting the sunlight,

Shine onto the trees to bring life,

To new leaves.

Spring time is near,

The dark skies of winter

Are no more.

The sun stays later,

Making the days feel longer,

All because Spring is now here.

Hear the birds chirping in the distance,

Singing their song,

Calling out to one another.

The Delightful assortments

Of tulips and daffodils.

Fills the portrait, in my imagination

With a rainbow of colors.

A portrait so real,

I feel as if I were,

Walking on crisp green grass,

Smelling the fresh flowers

Tasting this seasons fruit,

While feeling the wind blow,

Through my hair.

Listening to the sounds,

Of the ocean,

The waves smacking back and forth.

Watching the children,

Playing outside,

Enjoying the outdoors.

Spring time is like no other,

Somewhere from far,

it comes once a year.

Spring Poem, is it good, Will I get a good Grade?
Just a few very small suggestions:

"Making the days deliciously longer" instead of "feel longer" because they don't feel longer; they are longer.

I'd end it: "Somewhere from afar,

It comes but once a year."

I think it's great - it's light and moves along quickly. I can feel the light, airy days and smell the flowers.

I'd give you an A on it - :)
Reply:"Grammar" is spelled with 2 "a"s, first off.

Second line, it should be "paint" not "paints" because it is the "visions" that paint and they are plural.

"Delightful assortment" not "assortmentS" for the tulips and daffodils so it matches the singular verb "fills".

Just watch that you keep your subject and verbs matched )plural or singular.)

I suggest you change the third line to

"so distinctly" instead of "in fact so distinct". It makes a nicer flow to the words.

Other than that, you're OK.

I tweaked a few of your word choices, see below.

Visions of spring time,

Paint a picture in my mind.

so distinctly,

That I can almost smell,

The sweetness,

Of the spring flowers,

beginning to grow.

As the cold winter breeze,

Progressively warms,

Now letting the sunlight,

Shine onto the trees

Bringing life

To new leaves.

Spring time draws near,

and dark skies of winter

Are no more.

The sun stays later,

The days feel longer.

Hear the birds in the distance,

Singing their songs,

Calling out to one another.

A brilliant assortment

Of tulips and daffodils.

Fills my imagination

With a rainbow of colors.

A landscape so real,

I feel as if I were

Walking on crisp green grass,

Smelling the fresh flowers,

Tasting this seasons fruit,

Feeling the wind blow,

Through my hair.

Hearing the sounds

Of the ocean,

The waves smacking back and forth.

Watching the children

Playing outside,

Enjoying the reborn world.

Spring time is like no other,

Somewhere from afar,

Returning to restore us

Every year.
Reply:The grammar of the second line is wrong. 'Paint' is correct, not 'paints'. Visions paint, not visions paints. As for your grade, no one here can predict your grade since we know nothing about the class, the teacher, the grade, nothing.
Reply:gosh its beautiful

but the words that in line 4 and smacking sound a bit awkward

I need to know some things about flowers?

I need to know the sun preference, fertilizing frequency and watering frequency of white roses, Canterbury bells, Daffodils, Azaleas, Hydrangas, Lavenders, Heathers, and Gardenias

I need to know some things about flowers?
Go to %26lt;%26gt;;

You can enter your zip code and then look up the plants and all the info is there for you. They will even send you bulletins about gardening in your region.
Reply:Go to a website called "recipezaar" and go to the community section and talk with either "Iron bloomers" or a "Jim". I'm on there too as "Chef Guruow".
Reply:One book. The Garden Book. Looks like thick dictionary. Has section on everything you can think of..including zoning, light requirements, fertilization and a section devoted to tons of plant species and cultivars. Can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot.. or maybe even found at used book store.

Help with a poem about Daffodils please?

My daughter has to write a poem about Daffodils for a class assembly next week, but we're stuck! there's only so much you can say about a daffodil!! Any suggestions?

Help with a poem about Daffodils please?
Hmmmm - coming from Wales, I remember having to write about Daffodils, around St. David's Day time (1st March) too!

Write a list of all of the things you might associate with the flower - maybe things like -

Standing tall and proud, brightly coloured, a sea of yellow trumpets, gently blowing in the wind, symbol of friendship, national flower of wales etc. - then try to pull it all together - if you're still struggling, maybe create the poem around a story - maybe cheering someone's day with a daffodil!

If you want the poem to rhyme - also think of good words you could use - then fit sentences around those -









General info on the internet - like might also help!

Also do this this your daughter - once you start making suggestions like this, she may well come up with more ideas herself - kids have great imaginations!!

Good Luck - hope she does great!! :)
Reply:You could help her write a poem about herself as a child, dancing and playing in a field of daffodils, giving detail about their color, how many, their size, etc.
Reply:Daffadils all bright and yellow,

we can see them far away in the meadow,

when they all die,

new ones appear,

so there be nice bright daffadils all in the meadow,
Reply:Maybe try doing an acrostic?

Sorry, I cant think of anything off the top of my head, but try and find a word for each letter of Daffodil and expand on it.
Reply:How the bright yellow is a promise of summer and warmer days. - How they make you feel. - The fragrance and variety.

How they wait throught the cold winter weather and bide their time until the ground thaws out. - Just a few random thoughts, hope some of them help.
Reply:Off the top of my head...

Spring is in the air with lots of flowers all around.

The breeze, the warmth, the clouds and the melodic bird sound.

But I see that spring has come and will remain with us still,

The dancing and the swirling of the brightest daffodil.

(You could always make a longer poem just by piecing together the verses that everyone is writing in response to this question!)
Reply:This is my try which is horrible but you can try wikipedia to get more info link below.

hello you daffodil

Amaryllidaceae is your family

I would keep you with me happiely

Plantae is the kingdom you live

with love I want to give

Europe, North Africa and Asia is your home

I feel like I want to roam.

You come in white, You come in green

What ever you color I want you now.

Yellow is good so is pink

Orange is the one which makes me red

You root cures wounds, so is used in Kampo
Reply:daffodils are the harbingers of spring, go from there.
Reply:Well, start by brainstorming a list of descriptions, then see if any of them rhyme, or you can rhyme them with something else, or if they have any rhythm to them. Explore how she feels about them, and how they make her feel.

e.g. Daffodils, all bright and yellow

Make me feel all sunny and mellow

They look so good and smell so sweet

Every bloom is a joyful treat

(c) Sundaeg1rl 2008
Reply:Perhaps this will help, I could never resist a cry for aid.

The daffodills glow in the sinking sun,

We go and pick them one by one.

We would sooner wait until it's dark,

Then no-one could see us in the park.

How's that then? Better not show the teacher though.
Reply:1. Read 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth

2. Go pick some, and get inspiration..

3. Use connotations and imagery fx. yellow like the sun or something..

4. Imagine you were a daffodil (I know..difficult!) What would life be like? You could write a poem about a daffodils journey from the field, getting eaten by a cow and coming out the other end...or maybe not!
Reply:The poem by William Wordsworth - Daffodils - is worth looking at.
Reply:The daffodil:

It is a bright, golden trumpet

Calling loudly that spring is here.

Winter turns its tail

When the golden daffodil calls

For springtime.

How about a stanza about the daffodil being worn by the Welsh on St David's day?
Reply:Read Daffodils by Worsworth for inspiration

mens leather sandals

Where can i find the anotation of 'The Daffodils' by William Wordsworth?

Here is the poem:

Annotate to find:

Literal imagery- Imagery engaging the readers senses such as sight, touch, taste, hear.

Figurative imagery- Such as the use of metaphors, personification or similes.

Sound Devices- Use of alliteration, assonance, and consonance.

The underlying attitudes, values and beliefs and the discourses mentioned in the poem

Where can i find the anotation of 'The Daffodils' by William Wordsworth?
Try the library of google it!
Reply:"I wandered lonely as a cloud"


The speaker says that, wandering like a cloud floating above hills and valleys, he encountered a field of daffodils beside a lake. The dancing, fluttering flowers stretched endlessly along the shore, and though the waves of the lake danced beside the flowers, the daffodils outdid the water in glee. The speaker says that a poet could not help but be happy in such a joyful company of flowers. He says that he stared and stared, but did not realize what wealth the scene would bring him. For now, whenever he feels "vacant" or "pensive," the memory flashes upon "that inward eye / That is the bliss of solitude," and his heart fills with pleasure, "and dances with the daffodils."

Where will i find the summary of "Daffodils" by Ted Hughes?

Here are some really good, scholarly sites on Ted Hughes and his poetry:

Hope these help!

Cheers!! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Are daffodils maintenance free. going to plant on a deeply sloping hill.?

Daffodils are easy to grow and require little maintenance. They come in many different shapes and colors, and can bloom for 4 Months a Year. The scientific name of the Daffodil derives from the Greek god Narcissus, who looked into a pool, saw his reflection and fell in love with himself.

You may also like: Daylilies which are truly low-maintenance perennials. They are almost entirely free of disease and insect pests, they do need infrequent division, grow in full sun to partial shade, grow in diverse soil types and are drought tolerant. Daylilies have a long season of bloom, from late May to hard frost. Combining Daylily varieties with varying bloom periods can supplement your perennial border all summer.

Are daffodils maintenance free. going to plant on a deeply sloping hill.?
Daffodils are pretty maintenance free. I've seen people do hardly anything to them and they grow and bloom well the next year. Another perennial, that is more like a groundcover (in the sense that it grows "thick")? Daylilies. You can get any kind but the old run of the mill single or double orange ones (that are naturalized now in the wild) are just as nice for groundcover purposes. And I've seen these growing on a steep hill. If somebody wants to give you a bunch of these old reliables, take them. Divide them up though so you can get as much coverage as possible. I usually divide daylilies up in very late summer or the autumn. It's okay at that time to clip the leaves in a fan shape for ease of planting (much like you would clip iris leaves when dividing the plants). It's actually kind of fun to do this with daylilies, especially when you can get them for free! Be sure you water them after planting. Once they've been established, daylilies are pretty maintenance free during the summer. And also when once established, DON'T mow down the leaves just because flowering stops. Wait to do anything like that until the fall. And in the case of your hillside, you might just want to leave the leave the daylilies as is during the winter, after they fade, and cut off the old leaves in the spring, before the new sprouts come up.
Reply:yes they are a great flower and where you are planting them is going to be a good spot, enjoy them.
Reply:yes, they are low maintenance, perfect for a hill and will multiply every year!
Reply:pretty much so - although you can separate then every couple years and make more.
Reply:Yes, to your question and I agree with everything Excel had to say! Get hybrid daylilies however to add the continual bloom after the daffodils go by, they have thousands of varieties.
Reply:Good choice of flower! When planting the bulbs make sure you put a little bone meal mixed into the soil under the bulbs. Just don't let the bone meal touch the bulb.
Reply:yes they are great. Let me give you the supplier I use who offers top quality bulbs at great prices. I have used them in 4 different gardens. (we move alot and planted at my mom's house).
Reply:Yes, and they are lovely on a hill. They will "naturalize" in time and spread all over.

What are the uses for daffodils?

In gardens and as cut flowers set in vases.

What are the uses for daffodils?
try this website.
Reply:Cocoa P,

In my opinion the best use of a daffodil is it's presentation of the arrival of spring. Seeing the daffodils and the robin's in the spring is the best reminder spring and summer is here. I hate winter it's so depressing.



How to delete background on paint or photoshop?

i want to use this graphic:

how do i delete the pink background on either microsoft paint or photoshop?

How to delete background on paint or photoshop?
in photoshop you can use Magic wand tool by pressing W or choosing from the left bar and then press in pink back ground then right click and choose invert then copy content in another layer after this you can delete background layer and save that in png or gif without background.
Reply:just paint it white or go on layers and just delete 'background'. That's in PhotoShop. The 1st one should work best...
Reply:Open the pic in Photoshop.

Select the 'Magic Wand' tool.

Click anywhere in the background.

All the pink areas should be selected.

Hit the delete key.

You are done.

Daffodils are blue and violets are pink, Do I need to see a shrink?

Violets are purple, daffodils are yellow.

If you're seeing other colors, then yes, you're an odd fellow.

Go see a doctor, a couch or a shrink.

Your brain will feel better and you'll be less likely to drink.

Love ya!

Daffodils are blue and violets are pink, Do I need to see a shrink?
Well if you're schizoprenic, then take your meds and enjoy the colors.

And we still love ya. Report It
Reply:Well, James W, you apparently are good at writing limericks, and poetry!
Reply:maybe not a shrink, just no more of that drink.
Reply:sounds like u have lots of pretty colors in your life, if u go to a shrink they will stop the pretty colors and mess your mind up and say" now you act more normal"
Reply:See one immediately. You should also stop smoking that green stuff. lol

Reply:orchids are purple, daisies are white

I think a shrink would help set you right