Friday, January 27, 2012

Where is the seed on daffodils when theydie?

daffodils don't die. They are bulbs, their "seeds" are underground. After they bloom they go dormant for a while. You can dig up the bulbs and plant them somewhere else. They do make more bulbs and will propogate, you just don't see it happening! Good luck, hope it helps.

Where is the seed on daffodils when theydie?
I don't normally just copy and paste from websites on here but the following says it all

Daffodils multiply in two ways: asexual cloning (bulb division) where exact copies of the flower will result, and sexually (from seed) where new, different flowers will result.

Seeds develop in the seed pod (ovary), the swelling just behind the flowerpetals. Most often, after bloom the seed pod swells but it is empty of seed. Occasionally, wind or insects can pollinate the flower during bloom by bringing new pollen from another flower. When this happens, the seed pod will contain one or a few seeds.

Daffodil hybridizers pollinate flowers by brushing pollen from one flower onto the stigma of another. Then the resulting seed pod can contain up to 25 seeds. Each of these will produce an entirely new plant - but the wait for a bloom for a plant grown from seed is about 5 years!

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