Friday, January 27, 2012

What kind of pots are bests for wintering over bulbs.?

I'm going to pot up alot of daffodils ect and have them ready for spring.

What kind of pots are bests for wintering over bulbs.?
We just put them in a cardboard box with some soil inside. Then we put them in a cool place, like our basement to winter. Just make sure they're not damp when you put them up.
Reply:I would not pot them up for indoor forcing until near spring.
Reply:first you need to allow the bulbs to dry out,you dont say if these are bulbs you have lifted or knew ones you have purchased,but best if lifted to dry store in mesh bags that allows air to cerculate to keep them nice and dry,and pot later in late autum,if you must pot them now make sure you use a well,drained mix , put them somewhere dry and dont start to water untill autum when your rains come,then as soon as they start to shoot put them out in the light.
Reply:you should not over winter them in the same medium that you are going to grow them in as that will lead to disease.
Reply:I do alot of container gardening and use all kinds of containers. Half-barrell, plastic, terra cotta. I think the important thing is that there is good drainage so the bulbs won't rot in wet soil. Its also important to occasionally water the container during winter. Happy Gardening!


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