In my front garden by the front window. I have a small border which have daffodil bulbs but also i've weeds growing their as well. I keep pulling them up from the roots but they keep coming back. How can i get rid of them without using weed killer.
Flowers and weeds?
it depends how you want the border to look, if you just want the daffodils pull out the weeds then put down a good layer of bark chip which will stop the weeds growing back
have you considered planting some ground cover?
you could plant some lavender bushes, they look fantastic , smell lovely and as they are dense will prevent weeds from growing when the bushes are established.
good luck!
Reply:put down weed blanket cut out holes where the plants are then cover with bark/gravel
after a while with no light the weeds will die off
Reply:Use 2-4-D weed killer and dab on each weed and it will killl roots and all. Use a paint brush or something so you don't get it on the flowers.
Reply:Unfortuanly i think the only way to get rid of them will be with weed killer. You may be better to remove your daffodils, use weedkiller to kill of any weeds then replant you daffodils. this will ensure you do not kill your daffodils.
Reply:Once the bulbs are up, weed the bed then apply a mulch of wood bark or gravel (depending what looks best in your garden). This acts the same way as the weed blanket, but looks nicer. If you use bark it will also gradually rot down and improve the soil.
Reply:You need to continue pulling them up, but try to do it before they flower and seed as they disperse their seeds into the earth and grow again - so while you are pulling up the main plant, the seeds will be germinating unseen in your border.
Also, try to ensure that, when you dig up the weeds, you take up the whole of the root sysem at the same time - with many weeds, just a tiny piece of root left in the soil will continue to grow and develop more weeds.
It would help if you could hoe around your garden plants, turning over the soil so that any weed seedlings are raised to the surface and exposed to the elements - the majority will dry up and die.
If you live near to a garden or area where the weeds are allowed to grow freely, you are up against it, as the wind carries the seeds into your and other gardens, so there will always be weeds to tackle - a constant pain to every gardener.
But it gets you into the fresh air and helps keep you flexible, so it's not all bad.
Reply:I think it will be very difficult without weed killer but you could try bark and gravel.Perhaps try all other things and weed killer only as a last resort.
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