Friday, January 27, 2012

Will my daffodils be okay?

They popped up a few days ago and there's been some medium-hard frost and there's gonna be some more but I'm not home where I can cover them at night. Will they still bloom anyway?

Will my daffodils be okay?
Daffodils are hardy. They will be fine.

Really early for daffodils to bloom so soon. I have had a 2' dump of snow that stayed on blooming daffodils for 3 days, never wilted a single petal.
Reply:you didn't say where you live, but wow, it's pretty early for daffodils to be popping out. all of my stuff is under about 18 inches of snow yet. i have never covered daffodils, tulips, crocus or any other spring blooming plant and mine bloom every year...
Reply:Early spring flowers can take a frost or two; my daffodils are lovely and the last two frosts have not done them any damage. I also have tulips starting to come up, and a few other early spring flowers.

These flowers are made to be the first and thus strong enough for a late cold spell. Just enjoy them and they will multiply over the years to give you much enjoyment, with no effort on your part. .
Reply:Yes, they and tulips can take the cold. My daffs are opening up now too. Always a good sign that spring is on its way. Yippee.

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