Saturday, February 11, 2012

Theme of this poem...?

i wandered lonely as a cloud

i wandered lonely as a cloud

that floats on high o'er vales and hills

when all at once i saw a crowd

a host of golden daffodils

beside the lake beneath the trees

fluttering and dancing in the breeze

continuous as the stars that shine

and twinkle in the milky way

they stretched in never ending line

along the margin of a bay

ten thousand saw i at a glance

tossing their heads in sprightly dance

the waves beside them danced; but they

outdid the sparkling waves in glee

a poet could not but be gay

in such a jocund company

gazed - and gazed - but little thought

what wealth the show to me had brought

for oft, when on my couch i lie

in vacant or in pensive mood

they flash upon the inward eye

which is the bliss of solitude

and then my heart with pleasure fills

and dances with daffodils

Theme of this poem...?
Wordsworth is using imagery to bring us to the scene, the field of daffodils. He uses a number of metaphors and similes throughout the poem. The daffodils cheered him, in contrast to the cloud, which made him feel alone and lonely. At other times in his life his mind takes him back to the field of daffodils and he relives the happiness he felt at that moment. Sometimes it is the simpler things in life that bring us the greatest wealth. The beauty of nature can give us a magical interlude of peace and tranquility. Memories comfort us when the source of the memory is no longer present. The poem implies the connection between man and nature, which is a common theme in Wordsworth's poetry.
Reply:I always hated trying to figure out themes in school! I often saw a theme the teacher didn't and could never figure out what they were looking for.

This particular poem, to me, has loneliness as its primary theme, or perhaps loneliness vs. companionship.
Reply:This is a poem and the theme depends on your interpretation. To me it means that the poet is remembering the happy innocent days and enjoying the memories

garden clogs

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