Saturday, February 11, 2012

Baby rabbits and rain...? mom was gardening the other day and stumbled upon a rabbit nest. All of the daffodils that used to surround the nest are now gone, but it still seems as though the mother is still coming back because the rabbits seem to be full when we take a peek at is supposed to storm tonight, and I was wondering how i can shelter the nest in a way that will keep the babies from drowning, but at the same time, make sure the mother doesn't see it as a threat to the there any way?

Baby rabbits and rain...?
Rabbits and their nests have been around for a LONG, long time. The nest shouldn't drown, nor the babies. The mother knows how to protect them. Unless they were in a burrow that drained really slowly, I would not worry -- and even then, mothers' usually know best and should move them to safety! Interfering might cause problems. However, if you really want to try and help and seriously think there may be flooding issues, just put out two chairs like lawn chairs, far enough away from the nest to not intrude, and stretch a board across the arms of the chairs to form a temporary roof. That might do it!

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