Saturday, February 11, 2012

Of the 5,000 best-known human genes, 75% have matches in the worm.?

Does this mean that we are 75% identical to a nematode worm?

Because DNA is a linear array of those four bases—A,G,C, and T—only four possibilities exist at any specific point in a DNA sequence. The laws of chance tell us that two random sequences from species that have no ancestry in common will match at about one in every four sites. Thus even two unrelated DNA sequences will be 25 percent identical, not 0 percent identical (2000, p. B-7).Therefore a human and any earthly DNA-based life form must be at least 25% identical. Would it be correct, then, to state that daffodils are “one-quarter human”?

I got these questions from a website here is the link, kind of interesting.

Of the 5,000 best-known human genes, 75% have matches in the worm.?
this is the essence of universal common ancestor. If you go back far enough, you will find a universal common ancestor for every life form on this planet.

However, to find the link between human and daffodil you would have to go very far back in time indeed to the very first Eukaryotes. See also:
Reply:That's common descent for you.
Reply:Please read a genetics book in a science library. Take with a grain of salt anything you hear that is of a religious or anti-religious nature.

Let science reign supreme!
Reply:holy @#$#, no wonder my five year old gets dirty everday!!!
Reply:What exactly does "one-quarter human" mean? If it means it shares 25% of our DNA, then yes. Otherwise, no.

A large part of our DNA is devoted to much more basic mechanisms like cell growth. Things we share with, for instance, daffodils.
Reply:Wrong forum Dear.
Reply:If I am not mistaken, King David said he was a Worm.

And look up "where the worm dieth not" in the Bible.

Have a good day!

Reply:Don't you think a genetics question is best served in the biology forum?
Reply:worm think the entire universe is a blind place. Like you.
Reply:We are worm food, as far as I know.

Don't they eat our genes?

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