Monday, February 13, 2012

Loving someone must be based on decision...?

I love daffodils and cats.

I just love them, for no reason,

But when it comes to loving a girl, it is really perplexing.

I loved Susan she is pretty and charming I started loving her at first sight but our relationship deepens she began to ask commitment from me and behave a little bit naggy.

And I also lost somewhat interest in her and began to fool around.

we broke up temporalily and interestingly enough I miss her like a hell now.

I know I must be with her But I am still scared maybe same thing can happen again and we can break up again.

Love needs commitment ? we must somehow decide to love? It sounds funny but we can love people as we love flowers and pets?

Loving someone must be based on decision...?
There is a difference between "love" and "commitment". you may love each other but either one or both of you may not be ready to commit to an exclusive relationship. In your teens that is a big question. some people really need that "token commitment" to feel secure in a relationship. It is something you need to talk about with your girlfriend. Not looking for commitment does not mean that you want someone else it means that you are not mature enough (no insult - emotional maturity comes with age if you're lucky) to say you are the one I will love forever and ever, amen! that is why parents get worried when kids make big emotional commitments they are not ready for.

A respectful relationship that says," if I find myself attracted to someone else I won't embarrass you by drooling in public and I will tell you if I want to date another before I do it " is what is appropriate for teen and young adults who are not ready for marriage or long term commitment. Talk to your GF about it.

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