Saturday, February 11, 2012

Buddha, bugs and botanicals?

Hi All,

Now that warmer days are ahead, I am wondering about our cat, bugs and plants.

Of the many bugs, we are especially plagued with two types ... Box Elder bugs and a plethoria of spiders - small to midsize -- we live in Utah.

I just need to know if either are ok for our cat to munch on ... which I know Buddha will do! :)

The plants which we grow are lavender, sage, lamb ear, yarrow, tulips and daffodils.

I don't want to be a paranoid, but Buddha is our first kitten.

Thanks much!

Buddha, bugs and botanicals?
Ladybugs and poisonous spiders are the worst. Do you have black widows in Utah? I always had cats in NH out in the woods with no problem (except for that one skunk). Our curretn cats are indoor cats and they love to chase house spiders.

Ladybugs are poisonous to ingest, but I don't think cats will eat them.
Reply:The bugs should be okay but ask a vet in your area. My cats eat bugs all the time from a time they are small so that should be okay.

The plants sound okay too. But again ask the vet. Some cat types can eat some plants others can't. I would be careful with the herbs. And even if your kitten doesn't eat the plants they might dig up the dirt and try to use it for a litter box.

Good luck with your new family member!

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