Sunday, January 22, 2012

How can I preserve daffodils for display in 3 weeks?

If you havent picked them yet, wait until the last minute and take the daffoldils that are in full bud. They will open fairly quickly but will last alot longer than daffodils in full bloom. If they are already picked there is little you can do to preserve them for a display. They just wont last three weeks.

How can I preserve daffodils for display in 3 weeks?
Buy new ones. they cost pennies!!!
Reply:If they are in a plant pot it is possible if they are kept outside in the cool. But if you mean cut flowers no way they will last a maxium of a week.
Reply:i was told that if u put them tepid water and put a penny in the vase..they will last longer... :D
Reply:adding sugar to the water is supposed to keep them fresh looking longer
Reply:put them somewhere dark like a cupboard /closet
Reply:Pick some new ones in three weeks!....They are everywhere.

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