Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daffodils what?

Couldn't wait to see the daffodils bloom,and out of each clump one flower bloomed. Does this mean I need to separate them...and when do you do that?

Daffodils what?
Actually, you can lift your daffodil bulbs once the green foliage has died back completely. No need to wait until fall, especially if you want to plant other annuals in the bed at the same time for summer blooms. Dead-heading the flowers after the blooms fade is essential as well.
Reply:Yes you probably need to separate. This should be done in late Fall for the best results. However, here is a tip. If you do not cut off the daffodil blooms as soon as they are dead, the daffodil will put all its energy into going to seed. You will not gett good bulb growth and your plants could become non-productive. So if you have not been removing the dead blooms, your plants may not necessarily need dividing. Do not cut or mow down the green leaves as these leaves are responsible for the new bulbs. If you cut the greenery, no bulb production will go on. You must deadhead though or you will also get no bulb reproduction.
Reply:In the fall you can seperate them. But DON'T CUT OFF THE GREEN LEAVES, this is were they now have to grow and get the nutrients for next years blooms. Evenone cut them then they don't bloom.

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