Friday, February 3, 2012

Do you like this poetry exchange? What do you think?

for you...

sometimes when dark clouds reign

and light is dimmed

when the rains fall without relent

and thinking is blurred

we will recall moments -

moments when reality changed

moments when larger selves emerged

moments when our beings knew love -

tenderness with a different face

cementing shared visions

as the waters cleanse the muddied earth.

-the sun

for you...

sometimes when the wind blows by

and daffodils go out of shape

tender thoughts of you flutter by

as i lie lazily under the shade

i will ponder moments -

moments we savour

moments we treasure

moments of endeavor -

hidden from the world's gaze

clandestine beings behind rays

celebrating the gift of knowing

solemnizing the art of loving.

-the moon

Do you like this poetry exchange? What do you think?
Very nice. I like the bended up daffodils best. I also really liked "savor, treasure, endeavor"

Very good.

A star for you.

Reply:I really enjoyed reading that. Your wording was excellent. Very good descriptive phrasing makes it a great reading experience. Well done, and a star from me.
Reply:thunderous sadness seeping

intellect dimmed

when the pain enters without release

learning is blurred

creating new moments

where synchronicity lived within a sphere

spheres where earth is not completely 'round

time for boredom to come to a halt

boredom unchanging in your eternal ununiqueness

stakes with different faces

roads and sidewalks of ended visions

as uranus cleans the tarnished earth
Reply:wow, it's definitely perfect! I will give you a star for that amazing poem!
Reply:Wow, very powerful and deeply romantic in nature as well. You grabbed my soul with your mournful prose. I wish I could write as well as you, or even TD Euwaite. You both have real talent. I appreciate reading your efforts.

Now if only a woman would write to me with her heart, like the way you wrote, that would be heaven sent love, a kiss from above.
Reply:It's very good!

Thinking is blurred (I mean mine)

but I enjoyed it. I always liked symmetry. It is reassuring!
Reply:One simple word:


No offense, but that's stupid. Why wouldn't you capitalize your poem? It's completely grammatically incorrect.

ugh, whatever. It still comes off as immature writing.

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