Friday, February 3, 2012

Good-morning World, again!?

Well, the magnolia is looking really magnificent this morning as well as the forsythia and camelia both are in full bloom. The crocuses and daffodils are just beginning to fade. It has just gone 7.30am and the sun is shining, the sky is blue, there are some clouds, but only a few!

Good-morning World, again!?
7:30? In the morning? Yuck! About an hour and a half too early for me. And the dogwoods are nearly finsihed, wisteria fading away, honeysuckle just starting to bud, and best of all? Neighbors got their septic fixed!
Reply:Lol. Good morning too! Haha :D
Reply:good morning... bon matin... salamat pagi... guten morgen... and all the others i cannot remember...
Reply:are u a gardener?
Reply:7:30am and you get to enjoy the shining sun, blue sky, and blooming flowers? No Fair! I'm almost done with my morning drive at 7:30 each morning.

Oh, did you need something answered?

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