Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Poems are Old Fashioned. Are they enjoyable in modern society? Comments, please?

The Bud Vase

Upon my windowsill, there sits

a simple jar of glassy face

That come of late, I find it fits

to be a perfect small bud vase.

I stole a flower from my mum

-who had a bunch of flowers, so

I took the daffodils and some

scissors when she did not know.

And when she wasn’t looking, I

found the perfect little bud

I cut it, and I found inside

that flowers also bleed of blood.

Never ‘fore in all my days

(of stealing flowers not my own)

Did I so ever find Life plays

among the veins of flowers grown.

I cut its stem, and there it bled

green to tips of my fingers

And though the flower long is dead

the scent of its blood still lingers.

But so, to rid the vase of Death

I filled it for the job it suits;

Inside, I put some Baby’s Breath-

careful, this time, to keep the roots.

(copyright 2007)

My Poems are Old Fashioned. Are they enjoyable in modern society? Comments, please?
i love it....rhyme with a hint of meter.....short lines....succinct....good syntax......reminds me of emily dickinson

here....i wanna share a little of my old fashioned writings......

The Beast

Tattered, teetered, tossed, and tore,

the ship was battered, beaten more.

Fists of froth, the storm it threw,

and tossed and tore the craft anew.

Sputtered, spattered, spun and sprayed,

the ones on deck they bowed and prayed.

But the One, He did not heed

those of want and jealous greed.

Who were they, to try and own

the crests, the swells, the froth and foam?

Who were they, in their conceit

to try and tame His pet, His beast?

The water roared, it reared, it rained,

the beast it drowned, it killed, it maimed.

As if in rage, it did not care

for those it took, or those it spared.

Then at once, its anger spent

the lesson taught, it did relent.

The chosen sank into their grave

their headstone but a salty wave.

By and by, more will try

to capture, snare, and then will die.

In dark and cold the greed will cease

inside the belly of the beast.

old school is the best.....its what made us all become poets....keep on keepin on

Reply:thank you.....i seriously doubt that......keep on keepin on Report It
Reply:i think it's pretty good
Reply:Old-fashion??? nuh-uh.... more like "timeless" LOL =) A classic!
Reply:Oh, I really like that! It's not too old fashioned- It's not like you're using archaic language to make it sound fancy or anything. It's got a nice, vintage quality. I like your imagery and style.The only thing I don't like is the rythm- but that's just personal preference. It's nice!
Reply:Its very good, i really like it.

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