Friday, February 3, 2012

We should name the next space shuttle 'Flower Power' and paint daffodils on it! Wouldn't that be cool!!!?

I still have my granny glasses and long hair from the seventies and some tie dye clothes. Does this mean I 'm still the Captain dammit? We could have love-ins.

We should name the next space shuttle 'Flower Power' and paint daffodils on it! Wouldn't that be cool!!!?
Negatory, lame as heck.
Reply:Absolutely!!! Can we paint the flowers in neon blue, neon, green, neon pink, neon purple and so on???

Andd it should glow in the dark! That way Aliens see we are coming!!!!
Reply:hippie much???????????
Reply:How old are you again.... I don't think so lol...
Reply:Why flaunt tradition? All the shuttles have one word names....Atlantis, Discovery, Challenger...that describe some intangible dream of betterment and progress...So instead of "Flower Power"...Call it "Peace" and then do flowers ect on it...Maybe that would send the right message
Reply:u know there is a very good reason why they use white paint on space shuttles

it doesnt burn up in the atmosphere!!!

what the hell does flowers have to do with space shuttles

and why the hell would NASA spend billions of dollars to make and launch a space shuttle and then spend a few more million dollars to paint flowers on it????

u dont see millitary planes with flowers on it

how can anyone ask such a stupid question

that even wasnt a question!!!
Reply:yeah!!! that be super cute.
Reply:Only if you give them a peace pipe as well.
Reply:lol nice that would be hilarious!
Reply:The shuttle program is being retired soon
Reply:The aliens would laugh and zap it out of the sky.
Reply:I know it's bad form to answer a question with a question, but what the heck are you doing posting a question like that on a page that's SUPPOSED to be for astronomy and space?

That's ASTRONOMY %26amp; SPACE, not assenine and space cadet.
Reply:um no.
Reply:Well, if you'd like to make fun of the dangerous and heroic things that our astronauts are doing then yeah, I guess that would be so COOL!

Reply:do you have any other symptoms of Inability to Recover from 60's?
Reply:Yeah! Then all the Aliens will adore us -and we wont have to worry about an invasion! :)
Reply:Paint it like the Partridge Family bus!
Reply:Just wondering if you have a clue what that would actually cost? Paints for the aircraft in general, and the Space Shuttle are very costly.

They would also have to develop new paints to use. You would be talking about probably waisting millions of taxpayer dollars for a totally un-needed and frivolous thing.

I'd rather see those millions of dollars spent planting flowers here on earth, where I might actually have a chance to see them, enjoy them, and for them to actually benifit nature and the environment.


Homesteading/Farming 20 years
Reply:yes!! Very cool!
Reply:A swell idea! And why not?
Reply:How does it feel to be the biggest joke on A%26amp;S?

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