Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do you like my next new poem?


Crocuses are just two months away

Tulips and the Daffodils are not that far behind

In time, we’ll sow the seeds, we’ll feed the trees

Build trellises for vines entwined

And fill the starter trays inside

With herbs and greens and sweet young things

Like paradise,

Spring garden…nice…


Do you like my next new poem?
Visions of springtime, warm blankies, wool socks

Fireplace roaring, and a crispy fried duck

I like your warm poem, It feels like euphoria

But those kinds of visions

Are only brought on by hypothermia..
Reply:How I WISH I'd see just ONE message in a poem of yours!!!!

In this one, I see the garden, Spring, flowers, etc...BUT, I also see the stages of life, bringing children into the world and nurturing them(trellises for vines entwined), 'sowing the seeds' of life's adventures, and, 'in time' feeding the trees with our death(nutrients for those trees). It is the 'starter trays' that we are, all culminating 'like Paradise' in Forever.

You, sir, are one FINE poet!!!

Reply:Yes, it would be nice, but two months seem like an eternity to me. Wish I had some starter trays.
Reply:Speechless again! I will retort, I just want it to be a good one!
Reply:Not bad at all.
Reply:Very nice!! You have talent!!
Reply:Summer holidays....Yay!!!! =)

---%26gt;i love the feeling and images this poem gave me...
Reply:Oh! it makes me long for the days of Spring right now. I love my Gardens of Flowers and the first sign of Spring.

Beautiful as always- Very,Very Good!

I'm enjoying as usual~
Reply:Aaaaaah....nice images on this cold, grey, weary day...
Reply:Quite bouncy TD *^_^* It's a refreshing write indeed @)~%26gt;~
Reply:Nice one to plant on us and see what kind of replies crop up in your contacts fertile minds. I'd better leaf well enough alone and let you harvest other answers.

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