for e.g. in my teens I ate daffodils from the next garden to prove you could eat them and not die! 40 mins later I puked like there was no tomorrow but I never told them I was so ill!
Have you ever done something stupid to prove a point?
One time my grandfather asked me if I would ever hug this kid named Spencer. I hated him, so I said, "I'd rather lick a worm, and I'll do it to prove that I would!" Stupid me, I never wanted to lick a worm! As soon as we got home, my brother found the biggest, slimiest worm I'd ever seen, and it was covered in dirt! Sure enough, they expected me to put it in my mouth, so I did. I could still taste it after an hour. It was the grossest thing I'd ever done. The slime sticks to your tongue and doesn't come off with anything! I proved that I would, but it wasn't worth it! Good question!
Reply:I think "done something stupid to prove a point" could be my native american name... when i was in highschool I had this horrible job at a fruit market. I got screamed at by the owner oe day, because she felt that i had stayed up too late the night before. so from that point on I stayed up all night every time I had to work in the morning. I chaulk it up to my oppositional defiance...
Reply:A few years ago tons of us went to a big do up the Lake District, coming back it started snowing really bad so the coach driver pulled into this grotty greasy spoon cafe while the snow eased a bit, one of the gang had won a large bottle of brandy at this do so said we could all have a bit in our coffee to warm us up, another one of our friends who is always hungry wanted a Cornish pasty, we all said no it looked grotty and clap cold too, he insisted on buying it but wanted it warm, the owner said no chance she was closing in 10 minuets, I said pour some of that brandy over it and set it on fire, everyone laughed and said you can't set a Cornish pasty on fire with brandy, we poured brandy on the pasty, I lit a match and hey presto we got the pasty aflame, the paper napkins and the table clothe too, the owner went ballistic and we got shoved out the door and had to sit on a cold coach for nearly an hour, it was so funny though and I had to prove my point.
Reply:No, I never did! Why not?=
Who are the others?, as if "I" could ever come in the situation, (I would not even waste a thought about it!) someone wants me to proof a point about anything, I`will just give a ***.
The only one who`s worth it to proof anyones of points, that`s..
..just me, myself and I !!
Reply:do that most ov the time
Reply:Drank bottles of vodkas.
Reply:all the time, electricuted myself with a plasma ball to prove it could be done, ean down a golfcourse naked, cant remember why, someone filmed it (luckly i avoided being total embarresment as when he told people they all called him a pervert), i do loads of stupid ****, had my head in a box of carling while someone threw knives into it
Reply:hasn't everyone?
Reply:I was mad at the world as a teen. So I did lots of drugs to show the world just how messed up it is. The world didn't change, but I did.
Reply:Yes, my brother's friend did not believe I was mad. So 1 Sunday am. I dressed up in a bin liner, wellies and feathers, knocked on his door at 9am, when he answered i did a war dance on his garden wall. Then went home.
Reply:i once ate a spoon of coffee then to spoons of sugar then hot water and lastly milk then i danced around to mix it up
stupid or what but i was drunk at the time
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