Friday, February 3, 2012

Need to know the hindi names of common flowers?

eg tulip daffodil hyacinth daisy etc

Need to know the hindi names of common flowers?
Common name: African tulip tree, Fountaintree ? Hindi: Rugtoora ???????

Botanical name: Spathodea campanulata Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)

Common name: Indian tulip tree, Aden apple, Portia tree, Paras pipal ???? ???? (Hindi),

Botanical name: Thespesia populnea Family: Malvaceae

Nargis means Daffodil(narcissus). It is persian variant of


Desert Hyacinth

Common name: Desert hyacinth, Fox radish, Lonki-ka-mula (Hindi)

Botanical name: Cistanche tubulosa Family: Orobanchaceae

Water hyacinth:- Taxonomic name: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms

jal kumbhi (Hindi-India

Common name: Bhringaraj, Trailing eclipta, false daisy ? Hindi: ????????? Bhringaraj, ?????? Kesharaj ? Manipuri:

Botanical name: Eclipta prostrata/erecta/alba Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Reply:Hyacinth is known as gudhal in North-east india. also known as java.

tulip,daffodils and daisies don't grow in india, so there is no hindi name for them.
Reply:Kamal, Gulab, Rajni Gandha, Juhi, Champa, Chameli, Palash etc.

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