Friday, February 3, 2012

What does the scab mean?

My kitten has a scab just under her right ear and hair missing from around the scab. (it is actually quite small) I don't know what could have caused it. Any ideas? The only new thing we have had in the house are daffodils which she has taken a liking to, but doesn't appear to have eaten... She is a house kitten....

What does the scab mean?
If your kitten has claws, she probably has the scab from scratching at her ear. If it goes away by itself, problem solved. If she keep scratching and has more scabs - check her for fleas and take her to the vet.
Reply:Sounds like kitty may have had some fleas.
Reply:She may have been scratching herself or even bit herself. Have you any other cats that may have bit her? If you stroke her fur the opposite direction and look in the fur you will be able to see the fleas. She may have fleas from the other litter she lived with or from the mother deflea her anyway and deworm her.
Reply:Fleas. yuck
Reply:Even if she's a house cat she still needs vaccinating, worming and de-fleaing, flea bites transmit tapeworm and you bring in viruses and fleas from outdoors!

Check her by combing her while she's on a newspaper, if you see small black specks on the paper, thats flea droppings, made of dried blood.

You can get drops from the vet that take care of worming and fleas all in one now, its much easier than trying to give a pill or a bath to a cat!
Reply:yes, even house cats can get fleas. Fleas cling to your clothing and can be carried into your house(had that problem last summer) your kitten could've scatched herself or gotten scratched on an object. i would look at it and make sure its not a flea bite. other than that, the kitten should be fine.
Reply:pick it and eat it
Reply:probably fleas, she scratched herself to much and made herself bleed, scabs are a clotting of the blood to imatate a bandaide, it is the bodys way of protecting itself so there wont be to much blood loss and the healing process will go faster.
Reply:all cats, dogs too, have fleas should treat them even if you dont see any jumping round, look for brown things moving on her belly, she may have just scratched a little too hard but i wouldnt worry, cats heal quickly
Reply:Depending on where you got her from, and whether she had mixed with other cats will determine if she has fleas. If she scratches a lot, then have a look in her fur. Push the hair in the opposite direction that it grows in and look at the skin. If there are dark flecks of dirt, then this is flea dirt, and fleas are crawling things in the fur, they move very fast and then jump.

If you just see the flea dirt, then you still need to treat her for fleas. Take her along to the vet, so they can give you something for fleas, as the stuff in the pet shops is rubbish
Reply:pick it

pick it

pick it

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