Wednesday, February 1, 2012

OMG, The daffodils are in bloom and it's March, is this the global warming the Government tells us about?

My daff's always bloom in March!

OMG, The daffodils are in bloom and it's March, is this the global warming the Government tells us about?
My daffodils usually bloom sometime in late Feb or early March. The ones on the south facing slopes about 2 weeks earlier that the north facing ones.

We have now had 10 years of cooling or stable temperatures

We must beware because a colder climate is much more destructive to life than a warmer climate
Reply:The global warming the government tells you about is just a way of getting more money out of you..
Reply:There is nothing in bloom at my house hahaha

Our winter lives on....
Reply:OMG, it must be.

Florida is having a record-breaking cold winter, that must be global warming too!
Reply:Theres a frickin SNOW BLIZZARD OUT!!!
Reply:No sir, I fear it is the dreaded daffodil uprising,. predicted by absolutely nobody at any time, apart from Eric Von Daffodil their leader, they aim to destroy human society completely, an Rule the Universe, by smelling and looking nice on the dinner table!! THEY ARE THE TRUE EVIL SEED (POSS TUBER) OF SATAN!! K ,..Have fun now.
Reply:Daffodils? Not here in Indiana. My daffodils just got another 8 inches of snowcover this week.
Reply:My daffodills in Devon have been out since January!
Reply:Dont get confused with the term global warming. Over the last decade global temperatures have actualy dropped on average. The worst case scenario for Britain is different to what you might expect. Its roughly as follows. Polar ice melting affects the gulf stream which either switches off or moves north at an increaed rate. The gulf stream then bypasses the UK creating a much colder climate and much more severe winters. Think Siberia and you may get a better picture. We then move slowly towards an Ice age so you can see Global warming is actualy a contradiction in terms. Enjoy the flowers while you can.
Reply:That's right. Now kindly sign your entire paycheck over to the government, hold your breath, and for the love of God don't break wind...the government will protect you from those nasty plants.
Reply:Uhh, theres a blizzard going on right now here. We already broke the record for snowiest march, and we are only 6 inches away from snowiest winter on record. It is currently 20 degrees below the average high temp here. Sounds like our two locations cancel eachother out. Im so sick and tired of winter, it started a month early and is apparently running a month late ( in ending).
Reply:One swallow doesn't make a summer,

Two daffodils don't make a climate change sceptic.

For practical action on climate change visit the Energy Saving Trust website.
Reply:Most daffodils bloom in March but quite a lot of mine came out mid February so you could be right.
Reply:No just a mild winter,,,


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